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She didn't have any extra clothes, so after her bath, she clothed herself with her sand-stained shirt and pants. Exhausted and famished, she gazed at the bed, then at the chair. Undoubtedly, the bed looked much more appealing to sleep in. It was fluffy and soft, while the chair was incredibly stiff. But still, it felt wrong to take the bed, so she forced herself onto the chair, turning and moving until she could fall asleep.

The next morning, she opened her eyes to see the sun shining through the windows, illuminating the whole cottage. Stretching her arms out, something felt different. She looked around and noticed that she wasn't sleeping on the chair, but on the bed. Across the room, Theo was snuggled in on the chair, still asleep. A small hint of guilt flowed through her mind, but she tried to ignore it. The woman got up and walked to the table, which now had a sandwich sitting on a wooden plate. Next to it sat a plain, white shirt, along with baggy black pants. She assumed they were for her, quickly taking them into the bathroom and changing. Even if they weren't, she couldn't stand wearing her dirty clothes for any longer. The clothes were too big for her, but she managed to secure them on her body. She headed back to the table and, starving, she sat on the chair and wolfed the sandwich down. "Damn, how long since you last ate?" She glanced back to the other side of the room. Theo had woken up, still resting on the chair, but was now facing her.

"I don't know," She admitted, continuing to eat the sandwich, her hunger yet to be satiated. "Is there more?"

"We're heading to an inn soon, and you can get whatever you want from there- on one condition." Theo smiled.

"What's your name?"

"That's it?" She let out a short laugh.



"Alright then, Raven. We're walking." He stood up, opened the door, and gestured for her to follow. Walking out of the house, she followed Theo to the inn, the whispers and stares from nearby people never ceasing.

"What's their problem with us?" Raven looked around, the people around her not even trying to hide their annoyance at the presence of the two. "We haven't done anything!"

"You're walking with me- that's enough for them to hate you." Theo laughed, flashing a playful smirk to Raven.

"So you're the reason they hate me. What the hell did you do?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." He teased, "I think everyone here loves you."

"I'm being serious."

"So am I!" He laughed.

"Okay, you know what," Raven stopped walking, and stood staring at Theo. "If you won't tell me, I'd much rather just leave here and go find my own way. Maybe they'd stop hating me if I wasn't with you." The smirk never wiped off of Theo's face.

"Sure, go for it. If it makes you happy-" He quickly looked around, "just don't let them know where you got the clothes from." Confusion plagued Raven's face, and then her eyes went wide. She speedily returned to Theo's side and began whispering in a low voice.

"Where did you get these clothes?" Chuckling to himself, he responded,

"Do you really wanna know?"

"Where the hell did you get these clothes from, Theo?"

"Some lady was selling them." He admitted. Raven let out a breath she had been holding in,

"So you bought them?"

"Not exactly..." Panic raced through her mind,

"You stole them!?"

"Well, when you say it like that it sounds bad..." He joked, the smirk on his face still present. Raven began to panic, staring at Theo with her eyes wide. "I'm kidding. They're mine." She exhaled in relief and continued walking. After walking in silence for a couple of minutes, Raven glanced at Theo sternly.

"Why do they hate you?" She asked, staring into his eyes.

"I'm a werewolf." He blurted, his grin reappearing. Raven continued to stare into his eyes, unamused.

"Yeah, and I'm a vampire." She retorted, "Just tell me... please." He thought it over for a couple of moments before answering.

"They don't."

"Huh?" Raven, confused, continued to stare.

"They don't hate me. They hate that I'm with you."

"Why? Is it because of the tattoo? If it is, I-"

"It's not."

"I thought you said they didn't like women with tattoos."

"I- yea. They don't. You should probably hide it better." All of a sudden, Theo started acting suspiciously. Walking faster, Raven had to practically sprint to keep up with him. The rest of the walk was silent, and once they finally reached the inn, Theo rushed away, leaving Raven on her own in the establishment.

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