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The blazing, endless desert engulfed any hope she had left. The energy emitted from the sun scorched her skin, and sweat glistened on her face. Not once looking back, she dragged her feet across the dry, rough sand, envisioning what the future would bring. Suddenly, a sharp pain overwhelmed her mind, and her vision quickly grew bleary. In front of her flashed a bright white light, lingering, until her body grew too weak, and before it went black, she felt a slight knock on her head.

Pain raced through her mind- not physical, but mental pain. The feeling of loneliness, abandonment, and anguish- oh the everlasting, dreadful agony. As quick as it spiked, the feelings ceased, drawing back into a blank, dark void.

Opening her eyes, she noticed the bright light from the sun had disappeared, along with the heat. An icy breeze swept through the air, causing chills to fall down her spine. Sitting a couple of feet next to her was a man, seeming to be starting a small fire. Jumping up, she backed away. Who the hell is this guy? "Hey, hey, chill out, it's okay-I'm not gonna hurt you." He starts in a gentle, calm voice. She doesn't budge, staring him down. His skin is slightly tan, almost glowing in the dark night, and his silky, black hair is pulled back. He stands upright, his body lean and muscular. "It's alright. I-I'm just trying to help- I saw you passed out." He slowly reaches for his bag, not breaking eye contact, and takes out a jug. "It's just water." He tosses it over to her and slowly returns to the fire. Without question, she gulped the water down, not caring if it was safe to drink or not. It's either dying to this or to dehydration. He glances over and smiles, "My name's Theo." A couple moments of silence pass. "Okay then. Well, I'm heading into town soon, if you wanted to come. This ain't the best place for people like you to be out alone."

"People like me?" she flared, gazing into his piercing, dark blue eyes. He let out a short laugh.

"So you do talk!" He smirked. With a blank face, she stared at him once more, not saying a word. "Outsiders- they aren't very welcome here." But- how did he... "Your tattoo."

"What?" she asked, confusion spreading across her face.

"You have a tattoo," He nodded at the ink imprinted on her forearm, "people around here- they don't like tats. Especially not on women." She folded her arms, covering the ink. After sitting in silence for what seemed like forever, he stood up, grabbing his backpack. "Aight, well I'm gonna get going." Raising his hand to his mouth, he whistled loudly, and from behind, she could hear galloping approach them. A beautiful brown horse appeared, its silky hair bouncing. The elegance steaming from its mane was entrancing. Theo smoothed the horse's hair back, taking a glance towards the young woman, "Care to join us?" 

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