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The rest of the week was uneventful for the two; Raven chose to stay inside, isolated in the house she grew comfortable in, and Dasker had been busy dealing with pack business. The wolves were eager to know who the mysterious woman that their alpha had allowed into his home was- the one that drove their beta to lash out at a mere mention of. After that night at the inn, Theo had kept his distance from Raven in hopes of driving the feelings he had for her out of his mind. It didn't work very well. Instead, it made him want to be near her even more.

Raven and Dasker only grew closer in this time. They would sometimes joke around together, laughing and talking for hours. Regardless of how much he wanted to feel her touch, though, Dasker never let himself too close, for fear of hurting her. "Dasker," Raven focused her eyes on him, "I wanna go out." He turned to her, grinning.

"Sure, where do you wanna go?" Raven looked surprised.

"Wait, really?" He let out a small laugh.

"I'm not holding you hostage here!"

"I know, it's just- nevermind." She flashed a slight smile at him. "You know the town, I don't. You tell me where we should go." Dasker thought for a couple of seconds before his face lit up.

"There's a festival being held today. I usually don't go, but you might have some fun- get to meet some of the people here." Raven liked the idea, but she remembered how the townspeople reacted to her the last time she saw them.

"I don't know- I don't really want to go alone..."

"I said I usually don't go." Raven's face was now glowing.

"Okay! When do you want to head out, then?"

"Go get ready and then we can just go." Raven nodded before excitedly running into her room, rummaging the dresser for an outfit.

When they reached the festival, Raven was wearing a golden yellow dress that reached just above her knees, complimenting her tan skin. Dasker wore blue jeans and a black shirt, a casual brown jacket completing his look. Balloons were hung everywhere, and the buildings were decorated with ribbon. People roamed everywhere, exploring the numerous booths set up in the area. Still, people stared at the two, but Raven was too distracted to notice. "Oh my god, there's cotton candy!?" While she took in the glory of the festival, Dasker watched his pack, bothered by their stares. He glared at a group of wolves looking in their direction, and they immediately bowed their heads down, respectfully. Seeing this, the other wolves looked away, focusing on the festivities in front of them. Raven looked back at him, noticing his intense look. "You okay?" Dasker cleared his throat.

"Yep, let's get some cotton candy." He smiled as Raven took his hand and pulled him to the stand covered in bags of cotton candy. At her touch, he felt his palms spark, but he tried not to react.

They spent hours exploring, going from booth to booth, wanting to make the most of the day. By nightfall, Raven had gotten tired, and the two walked together through the forest, heading back to the house. "Did you have fun?" Dasker questioned, glancing over at Raven. Once again, he saw a gold tint in her eyes flash, but again, it swiftly vanished.

"So much fun." She laughed. "I can't believe you lost us the big stuffed unicorn, though!"

"Hey, the game's rigged! The ring probably wouldn't go on the bottle if you tossed it from an inch away." He argued, the ends of his lips curving up. Raven stopped walking. "What's wrong?" She stared at him, her smile growing wider.

"I like it when you smile." Dasker arched his eyebrow in amusement. He took a step closer to her.

"I like it when you laugh." He responded. Staring at his lips, Raven inched closer to him until hers were about to touch his, and then jerked her head to the side, leaning into his ear.

"Payback." Moving to the side, she began walking forward, until she felt a grip on her wrist. Before she could look back, Dasker pulled her into his arms, gazing down into her eyes. He immediately heard her heart rate rise, and could feel her breathing deep. He waited a couple of moments, watching her cheeks flush red, before winking and releasing her. Payback, he thought to himself, as he walked forward in the direction of his house, struggling ferociously to keep himself from turning. 

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