Chapter 45- Divination

Start from the beginning

Aaron passed the grand dining room. He had spoken to anyone when his sisters left. Their words plague his mind, and it torments him. He walked endlessly on the grounds and the halls of the estate.

"Aaron?" Lyra calls out to him; he stopped for a moment, ignored his Mother's call, and walked but two steps forward.

"AARON!" Axel roars out to him; this scared everyone in the household. Reagan's cries overheard after the roar. No choice, he walked back to the grand room. Facing his parents Kat and Maya's words echoed in his mind. Lyra came over him, trying to look into his eyes, but he avoids them.

 Lyra came over him, trying to look into his eyes, but he avoids them

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"Aaron lobo loco mírame." Lyra called him by his nickname. Aaron hadn't heard it in so long that his Da can't pronounce it the way Lyra did. It causes his heart to ache, and the voices spoke louder. Lyra tiptoed to her son and kissed his forehead, the voice silenced.

"Wha-?" Aaron exclaimed, feeling the tingling of magic off his forehead. Lyra tips down.

"Your Ñañas accidentally jinxed you. The voices are gone now?" She mentions Aaron nodded.

"Don't blame them. Your sisters are still coming into their powers. Getting stronger every day."  She stated to him, Aaron overwhelmed with all that's happen.

"Mom, I-I knew what you and Da had to do for all our sakes. But for so long you suffer from Ñañas," He responded in sadness she embraced her son close.

"Aaron, come here. It's bout time I told you how this all came to be," She stated Aaron never heard about the story only that his father kept telling hi the past stays in the past.

"Lyra, I'm not sure," Axel interjected but Lyra took his hand and her son's holding them both.

"Axel, we kept this from our children long enough it's time. Mami's right; we failed our son and our daughters by keeping this from them. It was my decision, and you supported me in it." She reveals. King Erik clears his thaort and bowed his head slightly to the Lord and Lady and their son.

"If I may, Lady Lyra entrust something to you." He asks politly "You may,"Lyra responded 

"When Maya was in my care, at night she would talk in her sleep muttering a language I couldn't understand." He stops to remember then rephrases the words.

"Olvidé tu identidad. . . La magia y la naturaleza de tus tres líneas de sangre. Borrar los recuerdos de nuestras vidas antes de este día." (Forgot your identity. . . the magic and nature of your three bloodlines. Erase the memories of our lives before this day

"Suyal, poma, qispi," Lyra mentions in her native language. Aaron understands the meaning of the words.

"Hope, powerful, free." Aaron translates these words. Lyra was proud of her son for remembering them. They walked back to the table; Axel's hands shook the first time Aaron seen it; Lyra wraps her hands over them, kissing his knuckles.

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