part 134

449 30 13

y/n hung up then drove to romes house when she made it she got out the car and walked to the door knocking when rome answered he let her in and she sat on the couch while he sat in front of her they talked for an hour then they laid their backs on the floor and propped their legs on the couch then looked at each other

Rome: so if you want to leave why not just do it
Y: the kids and because a part of me feels like if i leave then i'll be lost
Rome: from personal experience i'm not gonna lie at first you will but after a while it becomes easy i'm not gonna sit here and lie like the first few days don't feel like shit because they do but but if you have the right people in your circle then life is a smooth sail and it's like life is going to be ok and you'll realize it will be
Y: how'd you tell her you wanted a divorce
Rome: we were in the middle of an argument and i was going through all the good memories but they were constantly flooded by bad ones and i realized she was the reason i wasn't happy she was holding me back and made me feel lost so i told her i wanted a divorce it was the best choice i ever made for myself because no matter how much i loved her i had to realize she wasn't good for me and no matter how much she said it she didn't really love me she just wanted me to think she did so i wouldn't have the strength to leave her
Y: that's exactly what kobe does he tells me he loves me he tells me how much he cares for me all of it but when it really comes down to where he has to show it he's never there and i told him about it today about how this marriage feels one sided and how sometimes i feel like fucking around behind his back because deep down my gut is telling me he's doing the same thing
Rome: just a question what did your gut tell you at the wedding
Y: that i should leave and run as far as i can
Rome: you should've listened
Y: why
Rome: because mine said the same thing
Y: shit
Rome: yup on my wedding day i was in my dressing room and something was telling me run rome and do it fast but i decided to stay because my friends persuaded me so years went on yes years and i realized i don't want this life no more if i stay any longer i'm not only messing up the marriage but i'm messing up my mental health and sometimes it's best to walk away from a bad situation before it becomes the only thing you know
Y: wow mine is destined to go that way and i'm too blind to even see it
Rome: just leave him and if he doesn't move out then come live with me
Y: what
Rome: y/n after today it's no surprise that i like you and i want to be with you kobe isn't even doing his job right but i will and we can show him how much he's missing out on with you but i'm not a side piece so it would have to be after y'all divorce
Y: rome
Rome: you don't have to like me back i'm just saying that's how i feel and if after a while you feel the same then i'm willing to sacrifice a lot for you
Y: oh um ok

rome and y/n got quiet and they just looked at the ceiling before they looked at each other for a little and they kissed each other once it got heated y/n got on top of him making out with him while he placed his hands on her lower back they were like that for a while until y/n sat up nervously laughing and he did the same

Y: sorry about that
Rome: oh no it's fine i just got caught up in the moment
Y: same um i should go
Rome: yea i'll see you soon
Y: alright thanks for letting me come
Rome: well i haven't done that yet
Y: oh wow ok i'll see you around

y/n got up from rome and walked to the door and he walked with her then before she walked out he spun her around to face him kissing her again and she kissed him back once he pulled away he let go of her and she smiled

Y: what was that for
Rome: just in case you don't come back
Y: oh alright
Rome: goodnight y/n
Y: goodnight rome

y/n walked to her car still smiling then she got in driving off once she made it home she got out straightening her face and she walked in seeing kobe on the couch naked

Y: what are you doing
Kobe: nothing can you go upstairs real quick
Y: um ok

y/n walked upstairs and she sat on the bed hearing rumbling downstairs then she heard the door close and open so she looked out the window seeing someone walking off but since it was late she couldn't see what gender or who so when kobe came upstairs she just looked at him blankly and when he tried to walk up to her to give her a hug she pushed him away

Kobe: what's wrong
Y: who was that
Kobe: no one baby don't worry about it
Y: kobe i'm not dumb and i wasn't born yesterday who the fuck was that
Kobe: i said it was nobody
Y: well since you're gonna lie i guess i'll be the first one to tell the truth in this relationship i made out with rome
Kobe: what


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