part 31

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Y: ok for real though you must really love me if you were willing to spend seventeen thousand dollars on me
Kobe: of course i love you what i love you more than i love myself and i always will you know me and you come from similar past hard working moms who do everything they can and dads who do the bare minimum now i don't know if that's what has me attached to you but it's like when i'm not with you i'm lost i don't know what to do and i'm just waiting for the hours to go by but when i'm with you it's like i'm free and i want and i'm praying for time to go slower because when you're around time goes by so fast almost as if we're just fast forwarding through it all now i know your dad only comes around once a year and so you really don't have anyone to ask for advice from but i just want you to know i'm always going to be right here no matter what life was hell without you and i don't think i ever want to be without you again i'll do whatever it takes if it means i'll forever be able to lay my head down next to you
Y: bruh i love you so much

kobe looked at y/n laughing when he noticed she was crying and he hugged her smiling and kissing her forehead

Kobe: aww i'm sorry i didn't mean to make you cry
Y: does it make it any better that they're happy tears
Kobe: yea we'll say that makes it better
Y: i'm gonna marry you bruh
Kobe: that's a sigh of relief since i had that same plan
Y: i know now my answer is love
Kobe: what about love
Y: earlier you asked what are my hopes for the future i change my answer my new answer is love
Kobe: ok but what about love
Y: ours the love we have i want this kind of love with me no matter how old i get this is the kind that makes you want to continue pushing everyday because you know it'll pay off in the end
Kobe: ok well what do you hope never happens in the future
Y: you stop loving me
Kobe: what i know that's impossible
Y: but we don't know the future what if i do something that you can never forgive me for and you just leave me and stop loving me and love someone else that's better than me
Kobe: y/n i promise you i'm never going to love anyone the same way i love you i literally don't think that's even possible and i damn sure ain't forgetting about you what also y/n i don't know and to be honest i don't care about the future or what's going to happen in it the future can have me getting shot or some shit and i'm still going to appreciate everything i've done with you and the time i've had with you this has literally been the best year of my freaking life you're all i need in life i can lose everything to my name and as long as you're right next to me telling me everything is gonna be ok then i don't care now i'm so serious when i say this if you try to leave me i swear one of us ain't making it out love you though if you end up successfully leaving me and you don't come back in under a month i'll literally break and kill myself i love you though so that's all that matters
Y: you're psychotic and i love it but thanks for the reassurance that i seem to need after everything you tell me
Kobe: i'll give it to you as many times as you need
Y: i don't get it baby
Kobe: you don't get what
Y: why you love me so much there's so many prettier girls so what makes me so special
Kobe: i could go on all day about why but the short answer is i love you so much because you've changed my life and you showed me how much fun you can have with someone even when you're dating them i always thought when you date someone you have to be serious and pay attention to everything they say no matter what but you showed me you can have so much fun love them so much and never want to leave their side and no other girl is prettier than you are you'll always be the most attractive female i know and that's never going to change and you have such a pure heart you care about everyone and i never have to worry about you being cold hearted or selfish because that's just not in you that's what makes you special that's what makes you more than enough for me
Y: promise me something
Kobe: anything
Y: that in the future if something does happen that we'll be best friends
Kobe: with benefits
Y: of course
Kobe: yes i promise with all my heart i love you
Y: i love you too

kobe started the car driving to a cliff and he parked the car then him and y/n went into the backseat getting a cover and pillow and kobe laid down on the seats while y/n laid on top of him and they laid like that watching the sunset come up then once the sun was all the way up their eyelids started feeling heavy so soon they kissed each other then gave in falling asleep on each other


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