part 73

875 31 20

after that they fell asleep for hours and hours they didn't wake up until the sun shone through the blinds and they opened their eyes squinting and sitting up

Kobe: mmm good morning
Y: good morning
Kobe: well i told my mom about the engagement she wants to come over with your mom and brother today that's gonna be at a restaurant then after that we're going to the beach just us two and right after that we're telling the others
Y: sounds like a lot but alright
Kobe: you got it it'll be easy
Y: sure

after that y/n and kobe got up going into the shower together and just talking and messing with each others hair and splashing bubbles on each other laughing then kobe put bubbles all over his hands and started rubbing them on y/ns face while she laughed trying to push them away then bubbles got in her mouth and she hit his hands away laughing while he looked at her smiling and she go some of her shampoo and rubbed it in her hands then wiped it across his face getting it in his nose so while he started trying to get it out she laughed and once he finished he put shaving cream all over her while she stood there

Kobe: bae you look like a small ass snowman

y/n bust out laughing then started washing it off herself and once she finished she gently pushed past kobe getting out the shower and a minute after he got out with her and they dried off then got dressed for the day and when y/n grabbed the door to leave out the room kobe picked her up over his shoulder while she kicked her feet trying to get down then he started running around the room making her bounce up and down then he slammed her onto the bed making her laugh and he started tickling her making her yell and laugh at the same time after a while her eyes started watering from laughing so much so he moved his hands and helped her sit up and she hit his chest then she started acting like she was going to walk out and when he turned his back to her she ran to him jumping on his back making him fall to the bed but as soon as she tried to tickle him he flipped them over so he was back on top then before he could tickle her again she crawled from under him and ran out the room and down the stairs with kobe right behind her then once she made it to the couch she added separation between them then she saw peyton coming downstairs running with zion chasing her with makeup on his face

Peyton: ooo bitch help me
Y: what did you do
Peyton: i put makeup on his face while he was sleeping
Y: i'm sorry but i'm dealing with something myself
Peyton: fuck it i'm running with you

once peyton made it to y/n she grabbed her hand and they started running to the backyard with the boys behind them and they ran around the pool until they made it one side and kobe stood on one side while zion stood on the other

Y: ok i give up
Peyton: me too
Kobe: ok y/n walk past me and i promise i won't touch you
Y: you promise
Kobe: yes now come on i'll even move to the side
Y: ok don't touch me
Kobe: i won't
Zion: same for you peyton now come on so you can take this off my face

y/n and peyton looked at each other then they shook their heads and started walking as soon as y/n got next to kobe he picked her up throwing her over his shoulder making her laugh and zion did the same to peyton then once they made it to the house and we're about to go separate ways y/n and peyton held hands until the boys snatched them apart once they made it back into the room kobe put y/n down and she put her hands up

Y: ok don't tickle me no more i give up
Kobe: you sure
Y: yes i'm sure i'm done ok
Kobe: that's what i thought now come on before you make us late
Y: me you're the one chasing me around the house like a psychopath
Kobe: should've never tried to tickle me
Y: let's go mr morris
Kobe: mhm keep it up i'll do it again
Y: ok ok my bad

kobe laughed then he grabbed y/ns hand and they walked downstairs then out the door and in the car driving off and going to the restaurant when they made it they looked at each then took a deep breath before walking in through the doors seeing their moms sitting there with two other people and the closet they got they realized it was their dads so they looked at each other again and kept walking to the table then they sat down only looking at their moms

Y: hey mom
Y/m: hey my baby
Y: where's vinnie
Y/m: he's with nai they've been busy she's pregnant
Y: nais pregnant what it feels like i haven't seen her in forever
Y/m: yea well you should come home more often to see her before she pops
Y: how far along is she
Y/m: well i figured out yesterday but she's four months
Y: jeez and you just found out
Y/m: don't worry they both got the business
Y: oh i believe it
Y/d: i'm here too
Y: anyways have they started any preparations
Y/m: not yet they figure out the gender next month they plan on having a gender reveal i can tell they're excited i'm excited for them
Y: same i can't wait
Y/d: you heard me speak to you so talk back


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