part 55

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four months past and everyone decided to go to a party so they were all getting dressed then they got in the car going when they made it they were all just walking around and talking until the sun went down then the boys went dancing while y/n was taking small sips out of her drink then she heard still into you come on and as soon as she looked up across the room she saw kobe and remembering that day made her smile while she drunk the rest of it and he walked up to her and they just looked at each other

Y: wow you cut your hair
Kobe: wow yours is red
Y: you like it
Kobe: of course it's amazing how about mine i feel bald
Y: no it looks nice
Kobe: could i still take someone bitch
Y: yea kobe

y/n let out a small laugh making kobe smile then he picked up a drink slowly drinking it

Kobe: this is the first time we've talked in four months
Y: and who thought it would've been because of this song
Kobe: out of all of them
Y: so how've you been
Kobe: i've been good nothing too serious how about you
Y: i'm good as well being the only girl in a house isn't though those mother fuckers get on my nerve all the time
Kobe: i bet so have you moved on
Y: have you
Kobe: it's a little complicated
Y: mhm so where is she
Kobe: dancing she won't sit down for a damn second now where's yours
Y: with the boys
Kobe: so it's one of the ones that live with you
Y: yea i'm guessing yours is leona
Kobe: yup so when am i going to know who yours is
Tony: where is my baby at

y/n turned around and once she did tony started walking to her and once he did he wrapped his arms around her waist and turned her head towards him and he kissed her so she kissed him back then turned back to kobe while he rested his head on hers

Kobe: tony don't know how i didn't guess that
Y: guess you weren't thinking
Kobe: obviously not
Tony: hey kobe
Kobe: hi tony
Tony: how did you let this one go so easily
Kobe: don't know guess she just slipped through my fingers
Tony: gotta have a tighter grip than that
Kobe: ok
Tony: anyways i hear beer pong calling my name wanna join me
Y: i'll be out there later
Tony: alright keep your distance
Kobe: don't have to worry about me
Tony: mhm yea

tony kissed y/ns cheek then he hit her butt while he walked off and she shook her head making kobe laugh

Kobe: yea someone's obviously drunk
Y: obviously looks like i'm going to be babysitting
Kobe: good luck with that
Y: oh don't worry you're gonna need some luck too
Kobe: why
Y: turn around

kobe turned around and saw leona walking to him stumbling side to side with a drink in his hand and once she made it to them she leaned on kobes shoulder and looked at y/n then she grabbed kobes face and started making out with him while y/n just grabbed another drink slowly drinking it while staring at the ground then once they were done she rolled her eyes looking back up

Leona: hey y/n
Y: hi leona
Leona: are you still obsessed with my man
Y: no actually i'm not
Leona: good because he's mine
Y: i see that leona
Leona: i'm just making sure
Y: don't gotta make sure i see that
Leona: kind of sad you couldn't keep him
Y: i mean if i was a dumb easy manipulated bitch like you then i would've still been with him but unlike you not all of us like to be cheated on
Leona: what the fuck did you just say to me
Y: oh baby i think you heard exactly what i said
Leona: you got a lot of mouth for a bitch who can't fight
Y: you can see how well i can fight and i bet it won't go so well for you
Leona: we can find out
Y: ok i'll wait
Leona: hit me first
Y: girl what is this high school are you going to fight me or not
Leona: no i said hit me first come on do it you're so big and bad do it bitch do i-

y/n put her drink down then she looked at kobe and he just shrugged his shoulders so she did what she said and she punched her in the face and all she did was bend over holding her face and crying so y/n bent down next to her ear whispering

Y: oh bitch you're so overdramatic next time watch what you say to me dumb ass oh and if i wanted him again i could have him

y/n stood up then sarcastically kissed leonas head before picking her drink back up and walking outside to see tony still playing beer pong so she walked up to him and as soon as she did he wrapped his arm around her waist moving his hand to the middle of her dress

Tony: baby join me in the game
Y: no i'm fine i'll just watch
Tony: alright be my lucky charm
Y: like always

tony kissed y/n then gently moved her behind him and went back to playing while she leaned against the wall waiting for him to finish

??: your drunk ass boyfriend playing too
Y: yup and yours
??: you already know it
Y: boys these days
??: tell me about it
Y: well hey i'm y/n
Louisi: i'm louisi
Y: oh wow your name is so unique
Louisi: thank you so which one is yours
Y: the one in front of me how about you
Louisi: the one on the other side
Y: you date derek
Louisi: yea we recently got together
Y: oh ok

??: your drunk ass boyfriend playing too Y: yup and yours ??: you already know it Y: boys these days ??: tell me about it Y: well hey i'm y/nLouisi: i'm louisi Y: oh wow your name is so unique Louisi: thank you so which one is yours Y: the one in ...

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