part 85

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while tony was in his room sitting on the bed in just his shorts y/n got bored so she walked into tonys room in just a oversized shirt and she sat down on his bed looking at him

Tony: hey sexy
Y: hey i came in here one because i'm bored but two because in your little speech you forgot to ask something
Tony: did i now
Y: yea you did i'm kind of single out here
Tony: no you're not
Y: but technically i am
Tony: technically you're not but i have a better way that i'm going to ask other than under pretty lights
Y: ok mr caraballo
Tony: i know you didn't
Y: oh but i did
Tony: my last name is off limits
Y: why it's so cute
Tony: no hush
Y: fine i'll be quiet
Tony: thank you
Y: tony caraballo

tony looked at y/n and she laughed while he playfully rolled his eyes then he picked her up sitting her on his lap and resting his hands on her lower back

Tony: so what you wanna do tomorrow
Y: i want to go to the mall
Tony: you sure
Y: yea
Tony: so since everything happened how long has it been
Y: it's been exactly nine months
Tony: wow it doesn't even feel that long
Y: i know right
Tony: how long did it take you until you felt like you were ready to start dating again
Y: um six months i know it's long bu-
Tony: no that's not long you almost married him i could understand if it takes a while to get over him
Y: ok well look at mr understanding
Tony: what we've all had our own heartbreaks
Y: you've been heartbroken
Tony: apart of popular belief yes i have
Y: tell me please
Tony: fine well it was the one girl she was my best friend and it was from the day i met her that i knew i wanted her i needed her but she was with another guy a guy who i could tell she loved but for some reason i couldn't tell if he loved her back as time went on it seemed like they were only getting closer and i was breaking apart inside but they split up and i got her for a little until she went back leaving me a heartbroken fool then i could tell their love wasn't the same but they were making it work until one day he left her and i knew she could never forgive him for what he did i could tell she needed someone there for her so i decided to be that person now it feels like i'm finally getting my love back
Y: i was your heartbreak
Tony: yea
Y: i'm so sorry
Tony: no it's fine everyone has to have their heartbroken to grow
Y: i'm singing for you
Tony: you don't have to
Y: shhh too late

y/n got the remote putting it on a if i ain't got you by alicia keys then she turned it all the way up and started singing to tony while squishing his face and messing with him making him smile then he got up singing it with her and they were yelling from the top of their lungs after that they sung a few more old songs dancing around and running out of breath then they laid on the bed right next to each other laughing

Tony: you make it so hard not to love you
Y: what can i say i'm one of a kind
Tony: yea i see that
Y: and i see that with you too i don't know if i'm right but i'm hoping you're different
Tony: and that's up to time to tell
Y: yup it always seems to be that way
Tony: come on let me take you somewhere
Y: you're not gonna kill me are you
Tony: no i totally am i just want you to see something first

y/n laughed then she got up going into her room putting on some shorts then she walked downstairs seeing tony at the door and they quietly walked out the house then got in his car driving off to a park and once they made it they got out the car and got on the swings just looking at the view then tony got up going behind y/n

Tony: the views better from the top

tony started pushing y/n higher and higher until she saw the view it was like you could see all of north carolina every building every light every star in the sky she was hypnotized by it and when she finally stopped she turned around looking at tony

Y: that was absolutely beautiful
Tony: well now you and this place have something in common

y/n smiled then she turned around while tony got on the swing next to her and they started having a competition to see who could go the highest first then they jumped off at the top and started running around the park going under slides and on top of them climbing and jumping all over the place after playing a while they walked around laughing and talking until they made it to a sidewalk and started walking around then they saw two homeless kids nothing older than seven so y/n grabbed tonys hand and walked over to them

Y: hey
Girl: hi ms
Y: where's your mom
Girl: we don't know she said she'd be back a few days ago we haven't seen her since
Y: ok um well i know you guys don't know me but i could order you guys a hotel room and come check up on y'all everyday
Boy: our mom told us not to talk to strangers
Y: well i'm y/n and this is my soon to be boyfriend
Girl: why soon to be
Y: because he's too scared to ask me out
Tony: i am not scared
Y: yes he is

the girl laughed making y/n smile then they agreed to come with her so she grabbed their hands and they all walked back to the car together talking


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