part 118

474 27 10

Kobe: not the psychotic crazy it was a good kind it made me feel safe as time went on the feeling never went away and i was really on the verge of going to a doctor cause i'm like hold on now i'm losing it but once years past i didn't care anymore i fell so hard for you that i loved being home aka around you it started being my favorite thing to do and when i wasn't near you or talking to you or even in your presence i felt like a scared toddler on the first day of school and i realized to even remotely feel normal i needed you around y/n that's when i noticed i didn't only love you i ended up falling in love with you and yes it didn't start off like many love stories and it didn't proceed as some either but it was our story and i'd write the same one over and over again if it means i'll end up here with you because this is where i feel home at just looking into your beautiful eyes makes me feel safe inside baby i love you so much

kobe finished talking and y/n fanned her eyes making everyone laugh

Y: my makeup isn't running is it this cost a lot

y/n laughed again while a few tears fell down and everyone else laughed as well while kobe wiped her tears and she blinked her eyes rapidly before calming down

Y: ok my turn kobe hall morris a name i used to hate but let's not get into that let's get into the part where i fell for you the part that plays over and over again in my mind when i see you the day i knew i was falling was when we were a secret and you didn't tell you know who we were together yes it was for a good reason but i got jealous and i've never felt that way before so it felt weird i was like what is going on with me and why am i acting like this after that i constantly tried to ignore the feeling thinking maybe it was my mind playing tricks on me but it was graduation that day i knew and everything started making sense i knew that love came at unpredictable moments with unpredictable people i found my person but my person was broken and i wanted to fix that but as time went on i realized my person was fixed i just had to look in a different way i was so used to this perfect love story of how everything should go that i didn't open my eyes to different ways and when i finally stopped i realized our story is the only one that was perfect to me it was the only one that i could go through every chapter and have a nice laugh yes sometimes tears but when i laugh with you and i see that hypnotizing smile all the bad memories flood away and good ones fill me up kobe i say this a lot but i'm so very much in love with you and i want to be with you forever however long that is i love you kobe

kobe now had a tear falling down making y/n smile and look away to stop herself from crying even more then the minister went on with the wedding until he finally made it to the end

Minister: in the name of the holy spirit i now solemnly declare you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride

as soon as the pastor finished kobe instantly let go of y/ns hands placing them on her face catching her off guard but she smiled and kissed him back while everyone clapped when she was about to pull away he kept her and dipped her down so she moved her hands to his face while he had one on her back and the one he used to lift her leg he slowly sneaked it to her butt

Y/d: alright that's still my daughter

when her dad said that he lifted y/n back up kissing her one more time while she laughed and looked at her dad then they stepped on the edge of the alter holding hands while everyone walked to the edge of the seats then kobe looked at y/n

Kobe: i'm not stepping off by myself this time

y/n smiled at kobe and they stepped off together jogging out and smiling at each other while everyone clapped and threw flowers they didn't stop until they made it to their joined dressing room and he picked her up spinning her around before putting her back on the ground kissing her again and she kissed him back then he moved apart slowly spinning her around after that he pulled her to him so they were touching and he moved both hands to her lower back while she had hers rested on his chest messing with the sides of his tux

Kobe: we did it
Y: yea we did
Kobe: don't tell me i was the only one about to piss myself
Y: you gotta pee
Kobe: yea now i do after being as nervous as i was
Y: aww i make you nervous
Kobe: always

kobe looked down at y/n smiling before he bend down a little and kissed her and she kissed him back then she moved back grabbing her reception dress and kobe just took off his tux and put on his watch with a different belt

Y: ok one thing when you take my garter off i have on two the one i'm keeping is higher then the one you can throw so don't take off both
Kobe: alright
Y: and don't try anything or i'll kick you
Kobe: ok i won't
Y: promise
Kobe: of course

y/n walked out the room and kobe mouthed that he was lying then he continued walking with her to the reception when they made it they walked away in and everyone started clapping


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