part 51

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after they finished shopping they took everything back to the house and put it all in the fridge then they sat around talking until the boys called y/n complaining about how they left them so they left the house picking them up but while they were on their way back to the house kobe text y/n saying a bunch of crap so she asked tony to drop her off and when they made it she sighed about to go out opening the door before she did though tony grabbed her hand making her look back at him while the boys were in the back having their own conversation

Tony: you don't have to keep coming back to this house
Y: me and kobe have been together for so long i don't want it to end now
Tony: why not he's not even treating you right
Y: tony i got it kobe loves me so i'm going to keep putting in the same energy as always
Tony: does he say he love you or does he show he loves you because from what i hear he's only saying that shit without anything to back it up
Y: he does show it he gave me this ring
Tony: he's buying your love why can't you see that
Y: it wasn't always like this he was sweet and caring he's just changing we all are
Tony: people can change without their love changing as well you should be able to just know someone is changing you shouldn't be able to tell because they're always yelling at you and screaming and calling you out of your name in front of thousands of people i might not be the love guru but i know that's not how it works
Y: tony i appreciate you and your advice i really do but it's ok kobe wouldn't do anything to hurt me physically or mentally we're gonna be good one rough patch isn't going to change anything
Tony: ok if you say you got this then you do
Y: thank you
Tony: just please if he hurts you mentally or even physically you come to me first
Y: i will
Tony: promise me
Y: tony
Tony: please y/n i need you to promise me
Y: i promise
Tony: good now go come to my house if it gets too bad
Y: ok

tony smiled letting go and y/n got out the car closing the door and walking inside as soon as she did smoke hit her face and she looked at the couch seeing him and leona smoking and watching a movie while she had her feet in his lap and he was massaging them so she went to him tapping his shoulder and he lifted his head puckering his lips so she rolled her eyes and bent down kissing him then he put his head back down

Kobe: hey baby can you get me a drink out the fridge
Y: sure

y/n went to the fridge opening it and getting a drink then she walked back to the couch handing it to kobe and he drunk some of it then handed it to leona and she started drinking it and it took y/n aback seeing that so she told kobe she needed to talk to him so he moved leonas feet and they walked upstairs going into the room and closing the door behind them

Y: kobe what is that
Kobe: what is what
Y: you massaging her feet and sharing drinks and blunts with her like she's your girlfriend or something
Kobe: she's a friend so i'm treating her as a friend
Y: when was the last time you massaged my feet and don't try to give me a date because i bet you can't even remember when was the last time we shared a drink hell when was the last time we shared anything but a house and a bed
Kobe: we share things all the damn time you're just jealous and so you trying to make things up
Y: one i'm not making shit up and two that's the sad thing i shouldn't have to be jealous of a nigga that's mine if we're together no bitch should even feel like she has a chance with you
Kobe: she's not a bitch y/n watch your mouth
Y: so now you're sticking up for the bitch
Kobe: what did i just tell you
Y: i don't give a fuck what you told me i'm going to call her a bitch as many times as i fucking want because that's what i see
Kobe: y/n can you stop talking
Y: no i'm not going to stop talking because y-
Kobe: y/n
Y: stop trying to cut me of-
Kobe: y/n shut the fuck up got damn i don't give a fuck shut that shit the fuck up i might as well be with leona after all the shit you nag me about like damn bitch give me a second to breathe and since we're on the subject i've already made out with her before she's had her hands in my pants yea that was it but shit we could've went all the way and i wouldn't have to tell you shit you know why because it's my mother fucking house so stop nagging me and shut...the...fuck...up point blank drop this shit now
Y: i'm done

y/n took the ring off and threw it at kobes face then she grabbed a few of her important things and walked downstairs walking out she laid everything down and pulled out her phone calling tony and all she could say was for him to come get her before kobe came out knocking her phone out her hand

Y: what is your problem you don't want me you want leona and you basically admitted that but you already cheated on me i don't care how you look at it you cheated and you don't own me so don't come out here smacking shit out of my hand we're done fucking done ain't no fucking break none like that you had one chance with me that shit is over have that bitch and have fun fuck you
Kobe: you're not leaving me
Y: well you must be fucking dumb if you think i'm staying


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