"Justin. - Oh, I just going to ask when you going it be downstairs, as I wanted to watch a movie wit... She was about to finish her sentence but she stopped. I looked up at her I see her staring at my body.

" I guess you like what you seeing."

She smiles and runs back downstairs. I laughed and yeah she did like what she was seeing. I quickly finished getting changed and walked downstairs. I didn't bother with my hair I just left it wet. As I was on the last step of the stairs, I heard my mom shout dinner's ready. I walked into the kitchen to see that my mom and Fatime were already sitting at the dinner table with the plates and food on the table. Mom asked who would was going to pray today and, I thought it would be good if I did. We all prayed and started to eat. It was amazing as always. We all finished pretty quickly so as we were all finished me and Fatime helped with the dishes. As Fatime and my mom put the last of the dinner plates and things, I said thanks to my mom and walked into the living room and turned on the television. I waited until Fatime was in the room before I went to look in the draws to see what film I fancied to watch. I looked for a couple of minutes but I couldn't decide what I wanted to watch so I asked Fatime what she wanted to watch.

"Want to watch anything specific?"

"What about a Romantic movie maybe?"

"Yeah I have the perfect one to watch."


I found the one that I decided to watch and think that Fatime would like, I placed it into the DVD player and sat closely to Fatime.c I looked over to the other sofa and could see that there was a blanket over the sofa so I quickly grabbed it and placed it over the both of us. As the movie was starting I moved closer to her and let Fatime put her head on my chest. It was nice just to be able to chill out with her. I loved this movie. I don't know if Fatime has though, so I was about to ask her but I looked to see that she as about to close her close her eyes.

"Aww, you want to go to bed, you look really sleepy babe?"

"Maybe in a little while I just want to lay here with you please."

"Done, beautiful."

I left the movie me playing and watched for a while and about three quarters through the movie I looked to see if Fatime was a sleep and she was. I turned the DVD off with the television and picked Fatime up bridal style with the blanket ad walked up the stairs with her into the bedroom. I moved the covers and placed her in the bed and covered her with the covers. I decided to just to lay in bed and check twitter on my laptop so, I got my laptop from the night stand and layer I bed just in my a pair of trackies. I opened up my Apple Mac and logged into twitter . I checked my dm's and replied to some of my fans and retweeted some too. I tweeted, one last tweet saying;

"Goodnight beautiful ;) "

After I had logged out of twitter , I though I might just check my instragam. I opened it up and decided to take a few pictures so I quickly go my iPhone from my night stand. I snapped a photo of myself shirtless in bed for my beliebers just to say goodnight to them, then I took a picture of Fatime, sleeping. She is my sleeping beauty. I decided to just post the shirtless one and use my sleeping beauty as my wallpaper on my Apple Mac. When I had finished posting the photo and making Fatime my wallpaper on my laptop, I turned off my laptop and iPhone and placed them back on the night stand. I laid back down in the bed and moved closer to Fatime, placing my arms around her waist, without waking her up. I kissed her forehead and said;

"Goodnight my sleeping beauty."

As soon as I said that, I quickly closed my eyes, and fell into a deep dreamy sleep dreaming of her.

Someone Else's Not So Good Fairytale. [A Justin Bieber Love Story].Where stories live. Discover now