Armando and everyone else was in the stands, cheering on both Alondra and Madison, but mainly Alondra because Madison only went in to switch with people after a while.  After the game ended, Jordan actually went back to their house in his own car because Alondra demanded that he helped her wrap presents.

"Are we almost done? That's 15 boxes already." Jordan whined, flopping onto the floor with a piece of tap on his forehead. "How many presents do they need?"

"All of them. I haven't seen them in months and now I'm rich." She smiled.

"Don't you think you splurged a little bit? I mean, we've wrapped four designer boxes and two of those bags have Louis Vuitton boxes."


Putting his hands up in defense, Jordan shook his head and went back to wrapping gifts.  To help him, Alondra separated everyone into a pile, so Marcos had his pile, Antonio had his pile, and so on.  Alondra mainly did the writing and put gifts into bags, so Jordan was the only one actually wrapping.  The music that's been on since Alondra got out of the shower was interrupted by a ringing sound and upon looking at her laptop screen, she accepted the call without thought. "Hola mamá."

"You're still awake?" Teresa asked surprised, not thinking Alondra would actually answer. "How was your soccer game?"

"It was good, we won. Look, I fell and now my knee's messed up." The screen was angled enough so the presents couldn't be seen, but because of that, Alondra had to get her knee high enough for her mom to see. "See, I put a band aid but it's purple."

"Tienes Vicks?"

With a pout and shake of her head, Alondra put her leg down and looked at her mom through the computer screen.  "No tienen vicks aquí, sólo hielo."  She stated. 

Teresa opened her mouth to say something, but she was interrupted by Marcos and Antonio who busted into her room and jumped onto her bed to sit on either side of her. "Hola, fea."

"Are those your quince pictures?"  Marcos pointed, but on Alondra's side it just looked like he was covering the camera. 

Above Alondra's bed, she had three framed pictures; the middle one was just her in her quince outfit with her bouquet and tiara, the left picture was her with her entire court of both her Crenshaw and East Los friends, and the right picture was just her and her family.  The three pictures were all the more serious and smiley pictures, but the pictures on her nightstand were the goofy pictures that showed their personalities and the dynamics of their relationships.

"I have more pictures here, look."  Alondra picked up her computer, careful not to show Jordan or the presents, and moved it to face the nightstand.  "I can bring the scrapbook when I come to visit for Christmas."

Despite how careful Alondra was being with the camera, Jordan was not being careful at all with the noise he was making with the tape and wrapping paper. "Is someone else in there? Who is it?"

Jordan stopped moving mid-wrapping, and now that the room was silent, with the exception of the music Alondra was playing, it basically gave him away and proved that there was, in fact, someone else in the room.  "A ghost?" The three on the computer stayed silent, so Alondra let out a sigh before waving Jordan over, mentally preparing herself for their reactions.

"Jordan?" Antonio asked immediately.

"Dile que se vaya y cierre la puerta."

"Si hablamos español se puede quedar? Falló en español uno."

idk if i ever gave pictures of her room but if i did, we'll just pretend she redid it 💀🤚🏽

this what it looks like according to the house website:

this what it looks like according to the house website:

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but the decoration looks like this:


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Worlds Divided | j. bakerWhere stories live. Discover now