Without another glance towards his family, he went back upstairs to his room to pick out a new outfit. He settled on a light blue flowery Hawaiian-esque button-up over a plain white tee and jean shorts.

He ran his fingers through his short blond hair, glad he convinced his mom to let him cut it. He had to show a bunch of pictures of women with short hair asking if he could get his hair cut like them, and suprisingly it worked.

He hypothetically could have gone to a barber with Clay, but mom would've been pissed for chopping off June's previously shoulder length hair without her permission. Even though it was literally June's hair, and did not affect her in any way at all.

And thus began his journey. He put in his earbuds- the regular corded ones, mind you- and put his phone in the basket at the front of the bike and as on his way. It was a quick bike ride, quick for him anyway, and twenty minutes later, he parked his bike up on Clay and Sapnap's porch by the door and knocked politely.

He resisted the urge to just walk in, and let Sapnap open the open the door for him.

"Sophie!" Sapnap greeted. June forced a believable smile.

"Hey Sapnap. Is, uh, Clay home?" June shifted slightly. He liked hanging out with Sapnap, but it was different when they were alone.

Sapnap smiled. "When is he not?" he joked.

June grinned, and Sapnap let him inside. "Is he streaming or anything?"

"Hmm, I think so. But you should totally crash it," Sapnap suggested mischievously.

June nodded. "I will do just that then."

Sapnap gave June an awkward pat on the shoulder, which made them both laugh before June went up to Clay's room to knock.

"Come in!" he chirped.

June pushed the door open to reveal his brother speedrunning Minecraft, Twitch and OBS open on his second monitor.

June shut the door behind him and silently stole one of the hoodies Clay'd left on his bed. He then pushed over a chair that was in the corner and sat beside him.

Clay jumped at the sudden movement, and looked at his brother with surprise, a smile falling on his lips.

"Good morning," Clay greeted, giving June a side hug. "When did you get here?" he asked.

June shrugged. "A few minutes ago. Sapnap let me in."

His chat was spamming questions about the new voice.

"Chat, this is my other younger sister," Clay introduced.

June ignored the twang of sadness in his chest at that, and greeted the chat.

"Hello everybody!"

The brothers fell into easy playful conversation, and eventually Sapnap even came in.

Clay had at some point gone onto the DreamSMP, and GeorgeNotFound joined the game and found Clay.

June swatted at Sapnap as he snickered at what June was doing. He opened YouTube and searched in 'Heat Waves Glass Animals' and played the first video, turning up his volume.

"WHAT THE HELL?" Clay shouted, but the way he was grinning told June that he wasn't really mad. He turned the music off anyways, unsure if it was copyrighted or not.

"June, have you read the fic?" Sapnap asked.

A wave of gender euphoria surged through June at that, but he didn't outwardly react. It was his online name to them, not anything else. "Hell yeah, man," June answered. "It was amazing. A little weird reading fanfiction about my brother and his best friend, but you win some, you lose some. That was definitely a win."

Sapnap cracked a few jokes and June made a few references to the story, Clay groaning the whole time.

June swatted at his brother. "Oi, shut up. We all know you're just groaning because you're being called out," he teased.

Clay huffed, and pulled Discord up, and June noted that he didn't argue against his statement. "Sapnap, do you think Tommy will get her to stop?"

Sapnap snorted. "No, absolutely not. He'll just insult you with her."

June hit Sapnap's shoulder. "No, no, if you get me the child I will stop. Drista got to meet him, it's my turn."

Clay rolled his eyes and clicked onto Tommy's username. June stole his headset, earning no complaint.

My sister wants to meet you.

i've already met drista, you mean theres more?

Yeah, she goes by June online.
She's your age.

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