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✧twenty five

Harry wakes up to the bright sun shining on his face. He had forgotten to close the blinds the night before, too busy staring out the window until his eyes became heavy. He whines, pushing his face firmer against the pillow in order to block the sun out, but even then, he finds it to be much too light.

His mum and stepdad were back to work today, Anne had told Harry she needed to go back, just in case they needed to take some more time off in the near future if her aunt passed away shortly. He understood of course, but he was quite upset he didn't get to spend more time with her.

Harry finally gets the strength to push himself out of bed and he wanders quickly down stairs, in hopes he could quickly eat and get ready before finding an excuse to go over to see Louis.

Acting as though he is checking the mail box, Harry walks outside, trying to see if Louis is awake yet. He opens the mail box, figuring he should go through with his plan. Harry's eyes drop to the key that sits in the bottom, paired with a note.

'Hazza, come visit the pup anytime you like. x'

Harry bounces on his feet and rushes up the path to his home before any of the neighbours see him in just his pyjamas. As soon as he gets inside, he places the keys securely on the table before rushing upstairs to shower, in hopes to look presentable when he goes over to Louis' to see the 'pup'.


Nervously, Harry pushes the key into the door and twists it. He walks slowly into the house, not really comfortable to be doing so, but knowing Louis offered eases his mind a little. "Hi, Rubes!" He mumbles when seeing the dog lounging on the couch, eyes trained on the television that shows the news.

She hears his voice and jumps off quickly, her nails tapping against the ground as she moves to jump on Harry's legs. "Hi baby," he mumbles he ruffles her fur. "Where is Lou?" After patting her for a while longer, he finally motions her back to the couch and begins to climb the stairs.

Harry grins when he hears Louis humming and rushes up faster, stopping in his tracks in the hallway as Louis walks out of the upstairs bathroom... Naked.

Harry gulps audibly as Louis curses around the toothbrush he has hanging out of his mouth. He covers himself and stares at Harry with wide eyes.

A/N: Thank you JustHoldOnSunflower for the help

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