"Water," She said in almost a whisper, her voice cracked out of fear.

"Good choice" The man praised.

He opened the cell and Raven didn't stop him as he put the handcuffs around her wrists. He led her down hallways that Raven had never seen before. As they passed a certain room, Raven heard screaming. She looked through the window into the room and saw a small girl who couldn't be any older than Raven... on fire?

Yes, on fire.

She was screaming but the others in the room did nothing to put out the fire. Instead, they took notes on clipboards and notebooks.

Raven froze, was this what they were going to do to her?

Now she started to resist. She squirmed, kicked, and cried but the man just kept pulling her along the hallway until they reached a certain room.

"What are you doing?!" She cried,

"We're going to make you better" he responded casually, ignoring her struggle.

When the man pushed open the door, Raven peeked her head inside. The room was empty except for a see-through bathtub in the center of the room that was filled with water and some people who looked to be doctors? Standing in the corner.

"Don't be scared now, everything will be alright" the man said as he led her to the tub.

He motioned for her to sit inside and she did.

Raven wanted to go home, that's all she wanted. She wanted her mom, her dad, her sister.

"Everythings going to be okay. It will all be over soon" the man whispered as he tucked a hair behind her ear. The next thing Raven knew was the man placed his hand on her forehead and pushed her head into the water.

Raven struggled and struggled.

She couldn't breathe.

From the initial shock of his actions, she had inhaled a lot of water but the man wasn't letting go.

Her hands strained against the handcuffs as black spots clouded her vision.

She tried to scream but more water ended up getting pulled into her lungs.

Raven tried to move the man's hand from her forehead but he was too strong.

And after a few moments, everything went dark.

This went on for two years...

Every day Raven would wake up in the same small cell with a loaf of bread and some chicken noodle soup in front of her. A few hours later somebody would come and handcuff her, no matter how much she tried to resist. Every time Raven tried to ask why they were doing this, they responded with the same thing "we're going to make you better."

She would pass the room with the girl screaming, although it was now a different girl. Raven guessed that the first one was dead. She would be led to the same room with the bathtub in the middle. They forced her to sit inside and while she fought to remain conscious underwater, the doctors in the corner would just take notes on their stupid clipboards.

God, Raven hated this place.

Today was different though.

Instead of the loaf of bread and soup that they usually gave her, in front of her were a plate of scrambled eggs and a cup of what looked like wine?

Raven remembered the times she would see her father drinking this stuff, he had let her try some but it was always disgusting.

Why would they give her wine?

Raven wasn't going to complain however, she was so thirsty.

She immediately dug into the eggs, scared that they would be taken from her. After she finished, she lifted up the cup.

It didn't smell like wine. Not that she remembers what wine even smelled like after two years of being in this place.

She took a big sip and almost gagged. She wished it was wine, whatever this was, was even worse.

Raven put the cup down, she would rather stay thirsty.

A few hours later, her cell door was being unlocked by a smaller man than usual. Raven didn't recognize him, he must be new or something.

He handcuffed her, like usual, and began leading her down the hallway. As they passed the room with the screaming girl, the door burst open and she came running right at the man that was leading Raven.

Yes, there was a girl, on fire, running right at the man holding Raven.

The man immediately let go of Raven who jumped at this opportunity. With all the strength she had, she punched him, right in the face. He stumbled backward and Raven ran. She wasn't exactly sure where she was going since she had only ever been in the hallway leading to the bathtub room. She turned down different hallways, this was her chance, and she wasn't going to waste it. 

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