I turn right but Giovanni stood there and on the left mason walked closer. Shit! what the fuck do I do now.

"come on dollface give up," robin said making me shake my head. "no I think I'm cool," I breathe out my chest was still burning.

"you gave us such a rush, honestly I didn't think you would last this long," Logan continued. "well I have more stamina than you think I can keep this up all night," I replied shrugging my shoulders.

I really need to stop lying, I barely can breathe.

"well how would you do that, you have nowhere to run," Giovanni added making me look back over the cliff.

"you wouldn't dare," Logan shot up his eyebrows up. "I wouldn't? gio you know me better than anyone to know I never do what I'm told," I smirked. Besides the fact I'm in pain, I barely can breathe and Im nearly scared to death.

Yes, I'm scared, But it so exciting. And I think they can tell I'm having way too much fun. You couldn't miss it, the feeling of being scared and having fear build up makes me so excited.

I slipped off my shoes. And just before I jumped I spoke. "if you want me, you have to catch me. but Isn't that the game? " I smiled and I was gone.

The cold water hits my skin, I swim back to the surface, wiping the water out my eyes. I looked up and smiled seeing the boys were looking down at me. Looking sort of proud.

"Were coming for you," they yelled I giggled and swam towards land. My ankle was killing me but I was having so much fun I didn't even care.

I saw them walk down the hill towards where I was getting out of the lake. "do we have to keep playing? " I asked

"run," was all they said and I did.

And here I am running over again. Shit, I put this on myself. I ran past the tree but I was pulled back. I felt hands creep up on my neck and shoved me into the tree. "I got you," I looked up seeing Giovanni.

His hands were tight around my throat pushing me against to tree, I let out a sigh and looked over his shoulder. The rest of the boys came.

I felt like I was high. He held me close to the tree his grip on my neck, I think the sad part is I didn't even get to run fast enough before he gripped me up.

"you didn't get too far now did you," Robin spoke making me roll my eyes

"how long did she go for," Mason asked "an hour and thirty minutes. That is the longest," Logan answered.

"I told you she is one of us," Giovanni spoke making me shudder under his grip. "one of you? " I furred my eyebrows up.

"didn't we tell you we were gonna have some fun tonight," Giovanni replied.

"wow chasing me around with weapons was fun to you," I proclaimed "you liked it," they answered quickly.

they weren't wrong but they didn't have to put it out there!

"you guys are fucking crazy! " I yelled slightly.

Gio removed his hands from my throat. dropping me I hissed when my foot made contact with the floor.

"What wrong? " they asked I shrugged my shoulders, "I think I spring my foot," I answered this shit was hurting badly.

"come on let get back to base," Gio came over and lifted me up, without struggling either, Jesus he acts like I weigh nothing.

"you don't have to carry me," I mumbled he shrugged his shoulders "it fine, your not gonna wobble your way back to the base," he grumbled

Every time we talk he sounds so angry like, im a bother to be around. maybe I am. I was wet and it was getting cold I snuggled more closer to his chest.

I ignored the heat on my cheeks and the butterflies in my stomach, just from being this close to him.

Just when I thought I got over him, but honestly. There's no getting over Giovanni.

I really had fun, besides the fact they possibly were gonna kill me, it was a whole rush. I saw the light come into view. Gio sat me on the couch and ran off somewhere.

They all came back with towels, robin had my shoes in his hand and Giovanni had some spear clothes.

"here change into the so you won't get sick," he mumbled throwing them towards me.

I don't know why, but the mood completely changed they seem down or something.

"Okay, what the hell is wrong with you all? " I asked they all grumbled a nothing I rolled my eyes and wobbled over to behind a tree and slipped on the clothes, It was a pair of shorts and a shirt but the shirt fitted me like a dress.

I made my way back to the guys and slipped on the couch with them. And felt gio eyes on my legs.

"honest to god, that was the most fun I ever had," I declared waving my hands around

"Really? " robin asked making me laugh "ugh yeah that shit was so fun even though im like slightly hurt I had so much fun, it exactly what I wanted to do when I came here," I exclaimed

"I guess gio was right," mason laughed slightly.

"about what? " I asked messing with my fingers.

"he told us you're just like us, we didn't believe him but I guess he was right," Logan answered, and I laughed but my face heated up just a bit.

"he doesn't know anything, but I guess I am," I said more to myself

Either way, we laughed around for a couple more hours, and listen to music, I really like these guys. but between the laughs in the jokes. The tensions between gio and I was eating me alive.

we were in the car now, driving back to the complex. they all walked me to my door and just before I entered I looked back at them and spoke.

"I really did have a good time, let do it again sometimes," I suggested a big smile never leaving my face.

"We hold you up to that doll face, sleep tight," he kissed my forehead and ran off giggling.

god, what did I get myself into?

 god, what did I get myself into?

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