~The Next Day~

Third Person's POV

"Good morning guys!" Y/N exclaims while sitting beside her group of friends who were all currently gathered by the Hufflepuff table

"Hey sunshine!" Both Fred and George addressed, and Ron gives her a wave, with a waffle in hand

"How was your sleep, Y/N?" Hermione, who was again busy rereading 'Hogwarts: A History', asked, sipping a cup of tea while she flips the pages

"It was really good" She replies and serves herself some food before turning to Ginny and Luna, "You guys going to that Quidditch match later?"

They both beamed at her, "Of course we are! Gotta support our seeker here too" Ginny adds, nudging Harry who was quietly finishing his breakfast

He gives the Weasley a glare before smiling at Y/N, and then back to eating. Potter was slowly turning a lot more like Ron, and it's rather concerning.

While they all continued to eat their meals, an owl came flying inside the hallway, earning the attention of many, Y/N included. She was shocked to see the appearance of such a creature. For an owl, it looked unusually larger, and also had a bit of similarity with an eagle. It had a pair of sinister orange-red eyes, which made contact with hers'.

The bird flew towards her and perfectly dropped a package on her lap, the impact not as strong as she had expected it to be, yet the Hufflepuff was thankful either way. Her squad loomed over it and tried to give several guesses about what kind of material would be inside it.

Despite their ridiculous ideas she opens it, untying the beautifully tied ribbon string. She felt something solid against the paper that covered it, and without a hint of doubt she opens this:

"Oh wow..." She gasps, her hands shaking a bit, heart now racing

"What is it? What is it?" Her friends asked her repeatedly

Their questions were silenced when Y/N lifted a silver chain necklace, and in those chains rested a silver ring she knew too well. It had beautiful carvings, swirls and even flowers surrounding the band.

Next was the familiar looking parchment paper, folded into four. When the gal unfolds this her breath hitched, her hands immediately touches it, tracing every line that she could. Indeed, it was a drawing, but not just any ordinary drawing. It was a portrait, a portrait of her.

Y/N had her hand underneath her chin, her lips puckered and head tilted while her other hand gripped her quill- that's where she remembers, it was during Potions class. The Hufflepuff girl got so immersed that she didn't notice him drawing her. He was that good of an artist. It looked awfully accurate and real.

Her eyes went to the lower right portion of the paper where a set of initials and signature was located.

M. Lee

Finally, a sealed envelope was the last item to be inside the mini package. Y/N places the necklace and ring down as she tears the paper open, and sure enough, a letter shun before her eyes. It was well-written, and very neat:

"Merlin, it's scented too..." She mutters under her breath, smelling the scent of vanilla that surrounded it

While Harry and Ron now examined the ring attached to the chain, with Hermione, Luna as well as Ginny gushing over the drawing, the Hufflepuff's attention was fully on the letter.

Dear you,

You must be surprised, huh? Well I'd be lying if I said I wasn't, even though I was the one who did them, I still couldn't believe that I did.

I finally had the guts to give them to you, after so many doubts and so many tries.

You always almost never seem to forget to remind me about how the thought of me drawing continues to amaze you even up to this day. You'd also tell me about the rings I wear and say they were pretty, or how they fitted my hands so well.

And you know what? Your words were the only thing I needed to gain reassurance and have the courage to do this for you. Despite being an asshole to literally everyone, when it comes to you that whole demeanor of mine disappears and I just become... me. And for some messed up reason, I like it, I like it a lot.

Yeah so I wasn't really considering on making this long because I'm planning to say more things to you later.

Hope you give me that chance. Astronomy tower, after dinner later today.

Yours truly,
M. Lee

Y/N looks up from her lap and over to the Slytherin table, where a pair of eyes were already looking at her. She gives him a bright smile and a nod, an indication of her agreeing to his invitation:

"I'd love to, Marko" She lip syncs, and he understood right away

Due to happiness, Marko lets out a huge grin, and for the first time, his heart had felt light, his stomach filled with butterflies, yet he knew who was the cause of all of that.

It was none other than the lovely Hufflepuff, Y/N Y/L/N.

~🤎🤍🐻🥥🟤 The End 🟤🥥🐻🤍🤎~
Words Counted: 1,405

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