f | rladbyt

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"rings, letters and drawings by yours truly"

Your POV

"Now, who would want to tell us about the meaning of the spell 'Amortentia'? Anyone?" The voice of Slughorn filled the whole room, to be followed by a wave of silence

Though in a few seconds, hands began raising, one of them of course being from Hermione Granger herself, and from me, I wanted to try it out. It would also be helpful for my house if I earn them points. The professor must've heard my pleadings and like an answered prayer, called me up.

I fiddled with my black and yellow tie before looking at him straight in the eyes, "Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from the potion in spirals. Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what attracts them"

"Great one, miss Y/L/N! Twenty points to Hufflepuff. Amazing explanation" He praises, and I only smiled at him before sitting back down

"Psst! Hey! Marko!" I whispered- well I also tried to make it louder so he could hear me

The Slytherin dude then gives me a side glance before continuing to scribble out and about on his parchment paper, his quill gracefully moves against it, light strokes being used to make a curve and line. My curious self looks over it, and before I could even get a proper look of it, I met with hands, hands full of silver rings.

Damn, those looked good.

"Whatever may you need, Y/N?" He asks, his voice calm, and bored

"I just- I'm still surprised that you could actually draw..." I mumbled, assuming he'd hear either way, given the fact that we were also seatmates

He clears his throat before getting a new blank paper, "Well now you do. Could you continue minding your own business then, please?"

My shoulders plopped at his reply, though before I did, I gave his fingers a last glance, "Your rings are very pretty as well, I wonder where you brought that"

I swear I saw that man roll his eyes.

Marko's POV

The class lingered on until I just didn't had the strength to listen anymore. Though Y/N, that goody-two-shoes Hufflepuff, who also happens to be a top student, continues to have her ears perked up at each word that Slughorn lets out. Clearly, her curiosity being satisfied with the information he was feeding us with.

Once I knew her attention wasn't focused on me, I then grabbed the paper I had drawn in and resumed my work, making sure each stroke was perfect and precise. There were no spaces for mistakes here. Not for this drawing, at least.

Y/N's words floated in my mind, and my eyes looked over at my rings. That woman definitely has a thing for papers and rings.

(Note: I was playing Paper Rings of Taylor Swift when this thought came to me)

Furthermore, I didn't let it get the best of me and just continued even until the last few minutes of class.

Finally, the drawing was done.

I hope she loves it.

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