My  fiancé

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We eat the sandwiches we made and just thinking about capp's girlfriend that he has all sudden about an hour later I said to go to Casey's office to check in on him to see if he said anything to Brett yet

K= anything
MC= nope
K= eh
MC= no I'm getting the message loud and clear it's meetings acquired or more awkward if that's even possible, anyways I'm done I'm backing off completely
K= okay well mood changer
MC= please
K= uh it because without saying but I'm going to go ahead and say it I want you to be my best man
MC= Buddy I would be honored
K= ah good and you'll are you planning a hell of a bachelor party I want to end up on a rooftop with Mike Tyson's tiger ( laughs)
MC= vision accepted

I hang out and mats office for a little bit longer to help get his mind off things and then I decide to go start cleaning out the squad truck.

Stella's pov; I am still in shock over the last few days my life has changed for one passing lieutenants test and then yesterday the most amazing man decided to ask me to marry him but of course he did it in the  most  Kelly sevride way by doing it in the middle of a fire but in the long run I don't care I'm just happy. This morning before we left for shit we told Casey and happiness and he was happy. Once we got to ship we told everybody else and they were also very happy . It's now a few hours into shift and I decide to go to the Chiefs office do you think him for everything he has done for me

S= Cheif I um there was just a lot people around at Molly's the other night
CB= no it's okay congratulations actually double congratulations
S= it's been a pretty great week
CB= i'm so proud of you
S= that's what I came in here to say thank you, you signed me up for the leadership conference when I wasn't even considering myself a leader, you know you have that confidence in me you think that you know what that means is someone in my shoes but uh you don't it meant everything
CB= I just saw what was right in front of me and remarkable fire fighter and even more remarkable person
S= going to get me crying
CB= no don't do that

I leave the Chiefs office and go freshen myself up, I am so beyond thankful for the chief because he saw something to me that I didn't think was inside he got me to push myself to be better at everything. Over the next couple hours I start thinking about my future as a lieutenant and how I don't think I'll be able to stay at this house much longer if I ever get a spot so I decided to go and find Kelly to see if he can help cheer me up

S= hey... fiancé
K= how long until that gets old
S= The day you say I do ( laughs) I love this house when I get my lieutenants placement how am I ever going to find a house as good as this one
K= Not gonna lie it's gonna be a tough search sending you the right house but work wherever you go you'll take a piece of 51 with you and your plant it and it will go 
S= you're a wonderful
K= I love you Stella Kidd ( kiss)

Just like how I predicted talking to him has made me feel so much better about leaving this house once I get A lieutenant placement.

General POV; It's a shift after everyone Find out about Stella and Kelly been engaged,Squad three got to meet Capp's  real girlfriend, But before they can get to know her better the bills go out for them to go to a call , The call end up being in water rescue, so all squad three got into the scuba gear and went underneath the water to see if they can find someone where the boat has crashed, they did a quick search and find anybody then Kelly told everyone to do another quick search because they were all getting ready to run out of  air.  Right when They were getting ready to college to get out of the water I heard something and turns out somebody was trapped underneath something once they were able to rescue him they were on their way out to the way they came in when the boat started to collapse more and now they are stuck on it with nobody having air left . on the land ambulance 61 arrived first two check on the victim that was on the land, about five minutes later truck 81 comes

MC= Heard the call on the radio while we were out any victims missing
SB= yeah One adult male
MC= Who from squad is diving
SB= all of them
MC= ( into his radio) hey this is Chuck 81 to the CFD fast boat  you guys got eyes on the squad 3
FB= negative truck 81
MC= how long have they been in the water
FB= 22 minutes
BLJ = how much time do they have before the air bottles  run out

Now we just wait and see squadron you can come out of the water anytime soon and hope they all survive

Authors note: I love how everyone found out that Stellaride was engaged it was the most cutest thing ever. I wish we could've seen them I'll ask one of them how the actual proposal went down and everybody would have been shocked. Brett and Casey  got together finally in this episode Not saying I like them or not but it just seemed weird I think they could've cut the scene out of the apartment of them slowly having sex but it is what is. And that last 10 minutes of wondering if squad three will be OK hopefully they will be because there's no way they would kill off someone that is getting ready to have a kid in or someone that just proposed to his girlfriend. I did love when they were standing by the water and they were trying to see if squad  3  would ever come out Matt kept looking at seller to see how she is feeling. She actually was pretty calm in that moment so that was good. One last thing that I was so happy about as we finally got it I love you from Kelly.  The last time we Heard it I love you from one of them to was when they broke up in season seven episode 10 so happy it happened again.

Stellaride behind the  flamesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin