💜 chapter 6💜

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like his daily routine jungkook was  getting ready for work but his mind was not there he was just thinking about y/n . where she is? where did she live ? is she even okay or not? did she need him? did she even remember him what if she don't remember him , but his thoughts were interrupted by a voice which belongs to the house maid.

"Young master Mrs. Jeon is calling you downstairs for the breakfast" the maid said.

jungkook decide to answer shortly.

Jungkook was just looking at himself with his cold eyes through the mirror. And finally with a last glance he decided to make his way out from his room and went downstairs to see his whole family having breakfast with bright  and beautiful smiles on their faces .

"Good morning oppa"
somi greets him as soon as her eyes found her oppa entering in the dining room.

"Morning everyone"
jungkook greets everyone who was present there in the dining area.

"Come kookie have some bre...." Mrs. Jeon was cut by jungkook himself.

"No mom today I have very important work to do I am leaving" jungkook says coldly at the same time making his way to the main door.


"Jimin where are you"
jungkook ask as soon as jimin picked his phone call at the same time making his way to his car.

"I am already at the restaurant come quickly"
jimin replied in a little annoyed tone because he was waiting for Jungkook for whole 30 minutes.

"Hm I am coming"
with that jungkook ended the call and throws his phone on the passenger seat starting the engine and driving off in full speed.


Everyone started bowing as jungkook enter the restaurant with his dark aura surrounded him , his tattoo making him look more scary and dangerous with his long hard step he made his way to the table where jimin and his partner were already sitting.

Seeing him standing infront of the table his business partner also decided to stand and bow towards him to show him some respect and move his hand in front for the handshake, but jungkook didn't even bother to do the handshake and sit down very arrogantly making Mr. Choi to take his hand back with an embarrassing expressions.

After an whole 2 hours discussion , they decided to order their meal at the same time jungkook started lightening his cigarette and taking a huge puff of it making the air smoky .


"Y/n can you please go and take their order I am little busy here" sana exerted in a very sweet tone.

"Y/n can you please go and take their order I am little busy here" sana exerted in a very sweet tone

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BRUISES 🔞( JUNGKOOK X READER ) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora