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Upon exiting the gate, one could see the green meadows spreading far into the horizon.

Now, I was only one step away from leaving the stone paved streets and entering the trail which led into the boundless, uncharted grasslands.

""WOW!"" Jack and I said in unison.

"Woohoo~" Mordred said while looking at the horizon.

"It's beautiful." Mash said

"Indeed." Artoria said

Dad nodded in agreement.

"Okay, according to the guard just now. There are weaker demons inhibiting at this area."

I pulled out a map while pointing a spot of leveling up.

"Shall we go there?"

All of them agreed. As we travel towards the location.



I slashed five orange floating balls in one slash.

"Hoo... Dad, how was that?"

"Your doing great. I didn't expect that they are way to weak."

"Yeah, there to weak. Man, this is so boring." Mordred rather annoyed.

"Hmm... How about we spar Mordred? You said you were bored."

Hearing that, she made a huge grin.

"Interesting. Alright, give me everything you've got."

She materializes her sword and readies her stance.

"Mash, will you be the referee?"

"Okay, Senpai."

I projected the Kanshou and Byakuya in my hands, and readied my stance as well.

"Remember to hold back, we don't want to alarm around the kingdom. And will end it in 5 minutes."

"Hai, hai"

Mash raises her hand.




At that we thrust forward and meet with a clash of swords


We stood there few seconds and draw back.

"Not too bad. Sis."

"Same here, Mordred."

We charge again. We continued to clash and dodge every hit.

There is no end of our attacks, that we cannot determine who will win. Few minutes have passed.

"That's enough!"

Mash shouted to stop the duel.

We put down our weapons.

"Hah... Thanks a lot. Mordred."

"Eh, no problem. You gave the fun that I want."

"Glad to hear that, Big Sis~"


Mordred was surprised for what I just called her and she also flushtered.

I only giggled in her reaction from calling her "Big Sis". Back in Chaldea dad was given the title "Queen Shirou", because of the intimidating relationship with Saber Arturia by the Knights of the Round table. And since I am the future daughter of Archer EMIYA, Arturia now claims me as her daughter and now the Knights given me the title Hime-sama (Princess) and Mordred calls me "Sis". At first I didn't like it because it was embarassing, I even tired to convince them to stop but they are so stubborn, but days went by I became acustommed to it.

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