After finishing I put on some cologne then walked downstairs. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle. I still have some time before going to the showing so I went into the living room to watch the Sports Center.

Maybe I should text Y/N while I wait. Naw I don't want to bother her this early in the morning. After a while of watching football highlights, I got a text from  Chris.

Chris: What are you doing this weekend?

Me: I'm going out for drinks with a friend. Why what's up?

Chris: Ohh is it a lady friend?

Me: Yes she is😂

Chris: Is she single?

Me: If she ain't I got some competition, but it's just friendly drinks

Chris: How does she look

This dude here. 

Me: I'll send you a picture. I gotta go I got a house showing to go to.

Chris: Okay oh and if she fine see if she has any friends.

I laughed locking my phone while standing up from the couch. Getting my keys from the coffee table I walked outside to my car.  I got in and started it, hopefully, I can close off on this house today.


I ran around the house making some last-minute preparations.  The client will be here any minute now. Hopefully, they will sign off on this house today and I can finally go home and take a nap. Once I fixed the pillows and a few frames I walked into the foyer to wait on them.

As I wait I texted Alayah to see if she will take my hair down once I got home. As I sent the text off  I heard a car door close outside. I quickly locked my phone and grabbed the files folder from the small side table and opened the door to greet whoever was waiting is the other side.

Here he is again Anthony Mackie. Will I ever get rid of him?  I check the file more than enough times and his name never came up on the list. Leave it to him to use an alias name. "You know when I said see you soon I didn't mean this soon." He said smiling walking up to the door.

I'm not going to lie he does look good today like he didn't look good the first time I saw him. Y/N you're at work no time for all that right now.  " I'm sorry Mister Broussard, I don't think we've met before," I said laughing. "Haha very funny. I use that name for many reasons. What if you were some psycho fan or something." said Anthony laughing. "Which doesn't make sense 'cause what would you think they would do if you showed up?" I asked. "Didn't think that one through." He said shaking his head.

"Anyway, come in and we can get this house tour started." I said opening the door wider for him to walk in. I could smell his cologne as he walked by me. Lord give me the strength to get through this without attacking this man.  I closed the door and we started with the downstairs area.


After showing Mackie around the house we stood in the kitchen talking about the paperwork. "So is this house what you're looking for?" I asked standing in front of the island. "Yes, this is the one I want." He said looking around the kitchen once again. "Great we can sign the paperwork when you're ready." I said taking out a pen then opening the folder to get the documents.

"So when did you get into real estate." He asked picking up the pen. "Sign here," I said pointing to the dotted line. "When I moved back to Shreveport, I know that the whole being a judge thing wasn't going to cut especially being around stupid people all damn day." I said shaking my head and he laughed. "You know that wasn't going to work out anyway," Anthony said continuing to laugh.

"And why do you say that?" I asked giggling. " 'Cause, you know your attitude is not right for the law." He said. "Umm, my attitude is not even that bad." I said looking at him upside his head. "Whatever you say Spankie." He said laughing while signing the document. "I thought we agreed that you wouldn't call me that anymore. "No you agreed and I just laughed 'cause you wouldn't stop crying." He said closing the top of the pen and laying it on the counter.

"Thanks, here are the keys and I'll have the deeds to you once these are faxed out." I said getting everything and walking out of the kitchen and to the front door with Anthony right behind me.  "Okay thank you." He thanked. "No problem. Let me know if anything doesn't work or you need a little help decorating, you and I both know that you have no taste when it comes to those things." I said as we walked out the front door.  "I'll take you up on that offer." He said and we both laughed. Unlocking my car I threw everything in the passenger seat. "I'll see you Saturday." I said getting in. "Yeah, Saturday." He replied getting into his car.

I pulled out of the driveway and drove in the direction of home. Once I made it home I went straight upstairs took off my makeup, changed, and got in the bed.  After my nap, Alayah helped me take down my hair and wash, blow-dry, and press it. "How did things go today?" She asked pulling my hair back in a ponytail. "It went good, I sold the house to Anthony," I said shaking my head. "What, did y'all do anything?" She asked sitting on the bed with her legs crossed. "Anything like what? I gave him a house tour, not an ass tour Alayah." I said laughing while doing a face mask.

"He did smell really good, I had to pray before I walked in there with him." I said laughing. "Girl you should gave him some right there at the front door, cause I would have." She said laughing. Of course, she would have. "I haven't seen this man in years, I can't just be like let's fuck oh, and here's the house by the way." I said laughing.  "You had the biggest crush on this man back in the day and you mean to tell me you not going to give it up for free. I mean it's obvious that something still there for him." said Alayah getting up and coming back over to the vanity.

"And you know this how?" I asked rolling my eyes playfully. "By the way, you were smiling when you got in the car at Zimmer's and Mommy took a picture of you smiling at your phone last night while me and Kai were at Walmart and sent it to me. And the fact that you agreed to go on a date with him." She said now standing behind me looking in the mirror.

"It's not a date, we're just going out for drinks as friends." I said. "Whatever you want to call it  Y/N. I just know if you're not going to date, then it's about time you start shaking ass in thong on a boat somewhere and not up in the damn house or work at all summer." She said before walking out of my room and closing the door.

"What do I have to lose." I said looking at myself in the mirror.

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