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23hours later.

I woke up to my head throbbing with uncontrollable pain, feeling dizzy from whatever hit me.

Looking at my surroundings, it was empty nothing but me in a chair strapped

Strapped into a chair!
I tugged at my hands trying to set them free, but all I did was rub the rope on my skin causing a slight sting.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck" I exclaimed bouncing up and down my chair.

I rolled my head up looking at the ceiling containing the tears trapped inside. They wouldn't fall because of this, they wouldn't fall for the person who threatened me, blackmailed me.

An ache throbbed in my chest thinking about Ronan to wake up and find me gone after we shared our bodies.

No I wouldn't think of that. After this we would leave Sebastian,leave everything we represented and start again. But first I needed to kill the bastard trapping me.

"Come out you piece of shit" yelling at anyone who could be here.

Nothing, only silence.


A low laugh came from behind me "I didn't expect you to be like this" the voice said.

A voice I knew.

I couldn't help but flinch. "Michael" my teeth ground together.

"Yes, dear" he moved around the chair and stood facing me.

"Is this some joke" couldn't help the bile rising  up.

"Oh no no no, this isn't a joke actually I have a little treat for you" he leaned until our eyes levelled.

I spat on his face "fuck you".

Did I care what he would do? Not one bit. Anger swamped my insides, my heart, my mind. Fuck the consequences, I've had worse done to me.

His firm hand struck my face, the sound of his hand connecting echoed around the warehouse.

My head whipped to the side as I felt the burn of his hand.

"Stupid bitch" he snarled.

My head dropped down, I stared at the floor. "Why are you doing this" mumbling.

Michael let out an exasperating sigh "pay back".


"Do you remember the day you stopped talking to me. You avoided me and ran away every time I came closer towards you".

"What does that have to do with anything" I argued.

"The fact. Dear Kiera we would have been so good together" he emphasised with a psychotic laugh.

"And you threw it all away"

"You're kidding me right" I rose a brow ignoring the pain on the left side of my face.

"You kidnapped me, blackmailed me BECAUSE OF THIS"

He struck me again. "Ouch" I grumbled.

"This wasn't my plan"

He stuck again, this time on the other side. The taste of blood filled my mouth.

"That's enough my boy". A voice boomed.


I couldn't move my body, I couldn't move my head.

couldn't look up, wouldn't look up afraid if I did this would be real, he would be real.

"Hello keke" Brandon approached.


Ronan's POV:

I drove like a maniac, ignoring all the road signs, ignoring anything in my way.

It had been nearly one day since Kiera disappeared and in those hours my mind couldn't function straight or at all.

I returned back to her apartment and picked up the phone she had left, trying to find something that would lead me to her but I couldn't do it.

So I rushed to one of the men that I worked with trying to figure out what she had hidden inside and after 5 long hours they found a small tracker barely visible underneath the phone battery.

Then I took it to someone who was able to bring a GPS on my phone, learning she was nearly two hours away from where we were.

Now I was speeding through traffic lights try to find her.

I stopped near a van, my phone beeping informing that I've arrived but all that surrounded me was nothing but sand and a warehouse a few feet away.

I placed my head near the van trying to hear any voices, but it was quiet. No sounds, no muffling. Nothing.

That's when I turned to face the warehouse.

The warehouse.

Sprinting as fast as my legs possibly could, I finally stood in front of a metal door covered in dints.

The sound of voices rang around me and that's when I heard hers.

Kiera's POV:

"That's not possible" my words scrambled together " I killed you, I...I..I was their and I killed you"

He let out a grotesque howl "you stabbed me yes, and how much I'll enjoy punishing you for it. But you never killed me"

"That's not possible" streams of water leaked from my eyes "Sebastian he...he told me he took care of you"

" 'Sebastian' didn't do anything. Micheal" he clasped onto his shoulder "found me in the ally way and took me to the nearest hospital"

I wanted to throw up.

"No" I whispered.

The past nine years began flashing my eyes, his cruel hands, his ugly mouth all returned.

He was never gone I thought.

Always lurking around in my mind and now he's here in front of me, my own nightmare standing in the flesh.

"Oh yes" he took a step closer and I shrivelled inside as his hands moved to caress my face. I tried holding in the muffled screamed.

"Now" Brandon grinned "how shall I punish you".

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