3 days later

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3 days later*

"You know he didn't even call me after we returned" I slumped, sitting on a table.

" have given him some hint that you liked him?" The man sitting in the chair across from me said.

I let out a huge sigh "you're right I should have"

"You know how men are" the man nervously laughed, blood dripped down his forehead. I watched that small drop roll all the way down to his chin.

I got up from the table, picking up a smaller knife. "Yeah I do" giving him a sinister smile.

"That's why you're here aren't you?" I moved calculated steps towards him.

I placed the tip of the knife on his chin, tilting his head upwards to meet my eyes "are you going to tell me where you're keeping your wife and child.hmm?" I pressed it deeper, trickles of blood began falling.

"I..I don't know what you mean" panic flooded each of his words.

"Wrong answer" I slashed.

The sound of screaming everywhere.


my phone buzzed. I retrieved it from my pocket reading the name placed on the screen. it was Sabastian.

I waited a couple of seconds before answering.

"hello" I answered him.

" meeting in the warehouse, ten minutes" he clipped before hanging up.

"bastard" I muttered under my breath making my way to my car, starting the engine. I drove to the warehouse.

as I entered everyone stood in the centre there eyes focused on Sebastian. I moved to stand near the end so I wasn't visible to most people. not that I didn't want to be, I just wasn't looking the best right now.

listening to Sebastian talk made me sleepy. I hadn't slept properly since we had arrived. the thought of unknowns threat constantly circling my mind, never leaving me alone.

"you look terrible" I heard his gruff voice beside me.

I turned to look at him "Ronan" was all I said my eyes returning back to Sebastian's pointless speech.

"how have you been" his expression solemn.

"fucking amazing" I mumbled. I was tired, barely stayed at home and always worried someone was following me. so I wasn't in the best of circumstances but I wasn't going to tell him that.

a small frown grew on Ronan's face "what's wrong".

"and that concludes todays meeting" Sabastian's voice reeling me back in.

I turned to leave "nothing that includes you". tipping my head, I made my way back out.

"Kiera, wait" he ran beside me.

"don't do that" we levelled in walking.

"do what" I stopped to face him.

he scanned my face for a short while before answering, his thumb lightly grazed my cheek. "you had a bit of blood" he murmured.

"thanks" I returned "was that all".

"no" he turned his head. "can we go somewhere private".

I breathed through my noise "I'm going home, we can talk there"



We drove in silent the whole ride there, saving what needed to be said when we got to my home.

I parked my car inside the private parking lot underneath the apartments and walked until I found my house number.

Looking back at him to make sure he was still following me, I turned the knob pushing the door open.

I gestured him to go first, which he did, then checked each corner to see if any unfamiliar face was stalking around.

After I had finishing observing the surrounding I entered my house locking the door with me.

Crossing my arms over my chest, I rotated my body giving Ronan my full attention "well" my brow rose.

"What's going on" he curled his hand into a fist at his side. "And don't say nothing because we both know it's bullshit".

"Does it matter" moving to the kitchen.

"Of course it matters" he followed.

I stopped at the sink to wash my hands, looking down to find bits of blood stuck in between my nails. My nose scrunched at the sight. "Stupid blood" I said to myself.

"Kiera" his voice grew stern.

"If you really want to know. Do you want coffee?"

"Don't change the subject"

"I'm not" I said. Turning on the coffee maker.

"Some weirdo is 'threatening me'" throwing those words around as if it was nothing.

Ronans body stiffened "what".

I shrugged grabbing my mug and heading to the living room.

"Why didn't you tell me this?" His voice followed.

"It's not that important" I sat down making myself comfortable.

"How long" the couch dipped.

I stayed silent.

"Kiera" his voice was a warning.

"Since we were in Washington, I got a random text after the fair"

"You should have said something"

"Really" I coaxed a brow "you couldn't even stand the sight of me"

He said nothing.

"What do they want?"

"50,000" I wasn't going to tell him that I was the one that needed to hand in the money with myself.

"Fuck, how long do you have?"

"Less then two weeks" I looked down at my cup of coffee.

"You should have told me sooner" Ronans teeth ground together.

I gave him another shrug "I'm dealing with it"

A lie

He began nodding " I'll help, tell me what I need to do"

"No this is my problem you're not getting involved"

"I'm afraid you don't have a choice" he stood up, moving towards the door.

I turned my body to watch him leave "where are you going?" My mind in utter confusion.

"I'm grabbing my bag and coming back here"

My shoulders relaxed just to shoot back up "wait what?"

"I'm staying with you Kiera" his words final.

"Hey you know maybe you could ask first it's not that hard really just move your lips and say those words" I slouched back.

"I'll be back in five minutes" closing the door behind him.

After I heard the click of the door I ran to my room. It was an utter mess. Clothes scattered around the floor with bunch of wrappers and paper hanging out.

I quickly grabbed a bunch shoving it in my cupboard. I'll sort those out later.

It was well known I wasn't a clean person, I wasn't going to deny that. I wouldn't clean the knives or guns that tended to have blood on them.

I heard the door opening and rushed back to living room, pretending I never left.

He arched a brow "you good?"

"Of course" I forced a grin ignoring the fact that I've been running around my apartment cleaning up.

"Now tell me from the start"

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