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We both sat down, chugging down a bottle whiskey, abandoning the tumblers.

"We don't have to do this" Ronan gently spoke.

"No, I want this" I said reassuring him.

"I want to get over this fear and enjoy it, I want to learn how to love it" I sighed taking a swig out of the bottle.

"Are you sure?" Ronan questioned taking the bottle out of my hand.

"Yes" I clipped, leaning backwards to rest on the floor, staring at the ceiling.

Ronan crawled next to me laying besides me, until we were side to side.

I grabbed the bottle from him, I took large gulps feeling the whiskey burn my throat, but I ignored the sensation more focused on slowing my heart rate.

Ronan turned his head to face me "we really shouldn't be day drinking" he mumbled, half drunk.

I turned to look at him " this whiskeys shit" staring at him meeting his gaze.

He let out a low laugh, causing butterflies to dance in my stomach " the cheap whiskey in sebastian's cabinet is better then this" he pointed at the bottle.

"Definitely" I could feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier, from my swollen eyes and the mix of alcohol.

My vision began to blur "I think I might rest here for a while" I yawned, curling my body to the side, wrapping my body like a cocoon.


I woke up to the living room darker then it was.

Slowly opening my eyes, a light headache travailing it's way to my brain.

I fully opened my eyes, scanning my surrounding, I made out the coffee table and couch.

Steadily getting up a heard a groan from beside me, turning my head to find Ronan asleep.

A small smile plastered my face at the site of him.

His dark hair covered most of his eyes, his lips slightly parted and a small frown plastered his face.

"Well this is creepy" I whispered to myself, knowing I stared at him longer then I should have.

I quietly got up, trying not to wake him up, I headed towards the kitchen to grab two water battles.

I grabbed my phone from the table, our breakfast left untouched.

The time read 9:32pm and a message from Unknown. I felt my heart drop to the pit of my stomach. I swiped my phone to read the messages.

Unknown: miss me already?

Kiera: leave me the fuck alone.

Unknown: now, now that's no way to talk, especially a beautiful lady such as yourself.

Kiera: why are you doing this???

Unknown: let's just say it's payback.

Kiera: payback? I don't even know you.

Unknown: ah but you will. When you return to Michigan of course.

How did they know? There has to be someone who knew about this trip. But who?

Ignoring his message, I cleared up the table and washed the plates, trying to clear my mind

Like that was working

Moments later I went to check up on Ronan, who was no longer sleeping on the floor. I moved towards him handing him the water bottle.

"Thanks" he murmured rubbing his eyes "what time is it?"

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