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The past few days had ran smoothly, there wasn't much we could do beside observe both the senators and his agents to see if there was anything new.

There wasn't.

The unknown number had stopped contacting me which worried the fuck out of me. What about if they had told my mother what I had done?

I'm sure she would have contacted me, but something seemed off. Sebastian didn't contact me about number, but that wasn't new.

Nothing had changed between me and Ronan, he was barely in and left notes around explaining where he was.

A part of me wanted him to stay at the apartment and fight all night long and I wouldn't mind. The thing was I never really knew what lead him to hating me. When I first met him he seemed fine but as the years had gone by he began resenting me.

I began scrubbing my body as I sat in the bathtub, my fingers were so pruned it began feeling uncomfortable, so I got up wrapped my body around with a towel and headed to my room.

Standing in front of the full lengthened mirror, I began counting all the small and large scars/cuts  on my body.

Most from practice and others from...

Someone knocked on the door.

" what do you want!" I raised my voice.

"Can I come in?" I heard him say from the other side.

I moved towards the door, opening it, I found Ronan standing there his body slanted, the wall supporting him.

His eyes began moving lower and lower trailing each part of my body causing a shiver to run down my spine.

I looked Down and realised I was still in a towel. Heat began rushing to my face and I instantly shut the door rushing to put on some sweatpants and a plain white shirt.

Opening the door, he still stood there, this time his body straight. " you like slamming doors on my face don't you" he coaxed his brow.

" it's on my top ten list" I replied.

A shadow of a smile appeared on his face before he returned it into his emotionless glare.

"What do you want?" I said crossing my arms.

"I was thinking..."

" you don't do much of that"

"Funny, anyways I was thinking instead of  eating in we could go out" he finished.

A smile danced on my face "Ronan, are you asking me out?" I pressed my hand above my heart " I'm flattered but..."

" it's not a date" he interrupted " I'm just sick of being stuck here with nothing to do, where either following our targets or back here" he took a deep breath. He really hated this didn't he " I was planning on leaving you here to rot all by yourself in self pity but thought 'hey maybe I could earn some brownie points and invite you' so what it is? You coming or not?

I tried holding in my laugh while I answered him " ok first of all I don't  pity myself what gave you that idea? Second of all you never asked me if I wanted to come" I said staring at him with a big grin.

He rolled his eyes.

" you definitely pity yourself and." He sighed " Keira would you like to join me for a meal at the shittiest restaurant I can possibly find?"

"Hmmm" I pretended to think " as long as you pay of course I will".

He began shaking his head, I saw a small smile appearing " of course I am and don't bother changing the place probably isn't sanitary enough to eat in it"

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