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9 years ago.
He didn't come to my room tonight.
It was quite. Too quite.
I walked downstairs to make sure everything was alright.
Nothing was alright.
Brendon stumbled in the living room drunk while mom was asleep. I crawled back upstairs as quite as I could but that was no use he found me. "Kiera" he slurred, moving in a zigzagged line.
I continued to walk up the stairs.
"Kiera" he sounded more angry.
I didn't make it upstairs.
He grabbed my ankle, dragging me down, down, down.
"Did you think you could leave me". He smelled of alcohol.
"You're not allowed to leave". He gave me a tight hug, kissing my neck.
I wanted to throw up.
"Brendon stop!" I whined trying to escape.
I was so tired of this.

Present day
" we need to get going" Ronan banged on my door urging me to get out. I stood in front of the mirror examining my half naked body.

What a strange thing the body is. I thought to myself ignoring his demands to hurry up.

The banging finally stopped, Hearing his voice fade away. I sighed picking up the hair brush and combing my light brown medium length hair. I wrapped it around in a small bun and placed a red wig on top. I put in green contact lenses to cover my blue eyes and contoured my face until I looked completely different.

I wore black flare suit pants with a white blouse and black blazer to match. Picking up my black stilettos, I unlocked my bedroom door and walked to the living room where Ronan waited.

He put blonde removable hair dye in his hair and changed his eye colour to a brow. He still looked handsome, wearing a navy blue suit and a white button up that hugged his built figure. He was on the phone with someone and didn't notice I was standing behind him.

A rookie mistake to make in this business. You needed to always have an eye in ever corner of you surrounding no matter where you are.

I pretended to cough to get his attention. When that didnt work I walked in front of him waving my hands in his direction. He rolled his eyes finally ending the call.

"Finally"  he sighed as if I wasn't just standing behind him. "Well hello to you too" I muttered under my breath, putting on the stilettos.

"Remember the plan. Where just observing today, no talking to anyone. No nothing you got that" he jabbed at me.

"Ouch" placing a hand on my chest " the lack of trust you have in me is unbelievable"

"Don't test me lamb. I'm not in the mood today especially when it comes to you or anyone for that matter" finishing of his sentence.

"Except Sophia" I teased, knowing full well it would tick him off. And it did.

He began moving towards me, towering over my body his chest brushing mine. "Don't you say her name again". He grabbed my nape forcing me to look at him and I immediately froze in place. "Do you hear me" he bit out. My body began panicking, I tried controlling my shaking as much as possible.

Forcing a smile I tried to hide my fear "Crystal, lion" I spat in his face.

Releasing my nape " good, now let's go" he said clear if his throat, my body began to ease. Never again I chanted in my head walking towards the door without looking back. Never again

We arrived at the House of Representatives ten minutes later driving in complete silence.

The room was filled with all sorts of people, reporters, photographers, politicians and some of the public. We walked around for a couple of minutes trying to find him, but the room was crowded it was hard to know who was who.

" I think we should split up" I yelled in Ronan's ear finding it hard to hear anything. He shook his head in disapproval. " we can't do that" he yelled back. "We'll get lost and we can't risk that".

He grabbed my wrist and a fought the urge to pull it back moving to the top floor having a perfect view of the room.

People began taking their seats the room becoming quite.

Finally the senator showed up crowed by a bunch of security and other politicians. We sat in the opposite direction making it easier examine his surroundings.

The 10 minutes had gone by and I started becoming relentless, having the itch to do something. The worse thing about this job wasn't the kill but the wait and observation. I hated it.

Suddenly I found a man behind the senator scanning the room his eyes narrowed looking suspicious. I nudged Ronan to get his attention " two o'clock" I whispered. he moved his head towards the direction giving me a puzzled look.

" I think he has an agent following him" I arched my head at the man. Ronan looked in his direction "fuck" he muttered under his breath. This meant more work for both of us.

" I'm not taking care off it so it has to be you" I whispered still looking forward. He let out a gruff noise of disapproval.

It finally ended an hour later and I wanted to jump up and down in excitement. I rolled my neck to ease the tension, noticing the man from earlier help the senator exit the room.

We made it to the hotel room 30 minutes later stopping by the supermarket to grab some ice cream annoying Ronan even more. I wanted to laugh at him when I had told him but kept it inside.

I sat in my room removing my makeup and wig, getting into something more comfortable then made my way to the kitchen only to stop near the door.

Inside stood a half naked Ronan with only a towel wrapped around his waist to cover private body area. I begin to feel uncomfortable. I'd seen him without a shirt multiple time but we were always around others, but since we were alone here I felt itchy.

"Kiera" I heard him call my name. "Kiera" he said again this time touching my arm snapping me back to reality. I slapped his hand away moving towards the freezer where I placed the ice cream.

"Can you not walk around half naked" I said while my head was in a freezer. "Why" he questioned.

Because you make my uncomfortable.
Because we hate each other.
because I want to trail my fingers around your abs.

"Because it wouldn't be fair on Sophia if something happened" I chose that for the answer. He shot me an ugly glare as if warning me.

I just shrugged moving towards the living room to alter the plans because of the new problem.

He left the kitchen to head to his bedroom and only then did I let out a breath.

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