This is my story

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Hey guys!!!
I just want to let you know that In this chapter there's a lot of talk about rape and SA and abuse.
If you don't feel comfortable enough to read it head straight to the stars
I'll mark the beginning when they begin to talk about it with **** four stars and mark the end with same amount.
Hope you enjoy the chapter!!!

Sorry In advance that this chapter will be longer than the others.

I woke up to the smell of eggs and coffee.

The sun shinning through the open curtains. Open curtains!!

I got up from my bed confused why the curtains were opened, I never open them.

Then last night rushed through my mind. I remembered Ronan kissing me. I remembered falling apart. I remembered him sleeping near me.

I slumped back on the bed, throwing a pillow on my face, groaning to myself.

"I can't believe I cried in front of him" I murmured in my pillow.

A Knocking sound came from the door.

"Kiera, are you awake" Ronan yelled behind the door.

" I'll be out in a minute" I yelled back at him.

Throwing the covers off, I checked the room then made my way to the bathroom.

I took a quick shower and threw on a pair of black sweatpants and black shirt, tying my hair into a bun.

I grabbed my phone to check for any new messages from unknown.

There were none.

Leaving my room I was hit with the smell of waffles and eggs sizzling on a pan.

I walked in to Ronan cooking breakfast, he was shirtless only wearing grey sweats.

I felt my hands turn clammy at the site at him.

I lightly shook my head and moved to stand next to him, watching him stir the eggs.

"When did we have a pan" I raised my brow utterly confused where he got all this from.

He looked down at me with a small grin "borrowed them from the hotels kitchen, pricey bastards" he waved the spatula.

"Sit" Ronan said pointing to the table.

I stared at the table then I stared back at him "did you hit your head" I questioned him.

"Why do you think somethings happened to me when I'm being nice to you?" He chuckled.

I just shrugged moving to sit down.

Moments later Ronan returned with two plates of breakfast and a bottle of orange juice.

I watched him as he scoffed down the scrambled eggs, confusion plastered on my face.

"What?" He murmured his mouth full of food.

"Why are you doing this?" Furrowing my brows.

He leaned back in his seat giving me his full attention. " I don't know" he said looking down at his food.

"I don't need your pity" I gritted my teeth, I could hear them grinding together. I got up from my seat and headed towards the living room.

"Kiera" I heard Ronan say from behind me, following me to the living room.

He grabbed my wrist and I wanted to recoil from his touch.

"Talk to me" he pleaded.

I sarcastically laughed "you are the last person I would consider talking too" turning to look at him.

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