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We arrived back in my apartment 30minutes later, grabbing a strawberry milkshake along the way to calm my sweet tooth.

The room was eerie silent as I unlocked the door to my apartment, a small light glowed near a window from the street lamps outside my apartment. The sound of cars driving by was the only sound.

Ronan busied around me  heading towards me with a cake in hand. My mother had insisted on taking the rest of the cake home seen as though it would be left at the back of the fridge for it to rot.

"You sure love strawberries" he returned with two bottles of empty strawberry milkshake bottles.

He put them in the bin while he wiped away the small cake crumbs that covered his hands.

We stood face to face with each other, the look of happiness masked our faces. I saw a glint in his eyes that I hadn't seen before in him. The look of calm lay on his features contempt to stay that way when I'm with him.

I couldn't help what I had done next. I grabbed him by his collar pulling him in for a kiss. His eyes widened at first with surprise but they soon eased, wrapping his hands around my waist.

God how much I missed his kiss. As much as I didn't want to admit it, I really did. The way he caressed my cheeks or shoulders always sent a pulse shooting down my core.

He gentle moved his lips, our saliva moving together becoming one big mess on our tongues and mouth. I could feel his tongue poking out asking for permission to enter.

I let him in, I let his tongue dance with mine as the missed each others touch. We might have only kissed a handful of times, but each time we did I treasured each moment as if it would be my last.

The kiss began to slow down until they no longer touched. I looked down to see his lips swollen then before.

"Thank you" I breathed out.

"For what" he stroked a piece of hair behind my ear, his thumb remind stroking my cheek.

"For staying with me after you found out the truth" I couldn't look at him, tears began swelling in my eyes.

I'd also cry after I would return from visiting my mother, the memories were too strong, too overpowering for me to take in and I hated it. I hated how that home was my weak spot.

"In no way should you ever feel ashamed or guilty Kiera. In no way would I have ever judge you or think of you as any less" he carried on.

"You're fucking brave. To go to visit your mother even though you know the pain that house causes, to put up with her hallucinations when they're about him. I'm proud of you"

Ronan tilted his head placing it on my forehead. I closed my eyes basking in his Ora, afraid if I opened my eyes and pulled away, he would return to his cold self.

But when he pulled away and I opened my eyes, he looked the same as the moment I closed my eyes. This man who wouldn't see the best in anybody always sort others as a challenge, calmed when he saw me.

The trip to Washington has changed something in us both, when we were away from the pressure of Sebastian breathing down our necks and our teammates grovelling for top spot, we felt at ease and I held on to those moments as tight as possible.

"Come on" I whispered and grabbed his arm, leading him into my room. He didn't protest only followed in silence.

I closed the door behind me and walked towards him. I placed both my hands onto his shoulder while his eyes never left mine.

"Kiss me" I barely spoke.

He complied, brushing his lips against mine. The touch like a feather yet it caused so my body to feel so many ways at once.

Ronan pressed harder, his touch more needy and desperate. I looked at him as he kissed me, relief rushed through me when I found him staring back.

I placed my hand on his chest, feeling how fast his heart beat for me causing mine to join in unison.

A small groan escaped my lips when I felt his hands move all the way down cupping my ass. That alone sent a pool of wetness down my panties.

"Are you sure?" He murmurs in my lips, moving my body closer to bed with him.

I nodded gripping onto his hair, my fingers tangled into it covering any proof they were ever there. He laid my down onto the bed momentarily detaching our lips from each other instantly missing the feeling .

He got up to take his shirt off revealing the golden skin underneath. I watched as he crawled back on top me, his eyes never left mine making sure it was him and no one else, making sure that I had a chose in this.

"Whenever you feel uncomfortable push me away or tell me stop" he instructed.

"Yes" was all I could muster, before grabbing onto his shoulders returning his lips on mine.

His hands began roaming on my waist and I slightly tensed, he stopped at that moment but I reassured him to carry on.

Slowly grabbing the hem he pulled my shirt up revealing the bra I had underneath. "You're so fucking beautiful" he whispered in my ear, his hands trailing up to cup my breasts.

I let out a small gasp as he began kneading them through my bra. I could feel my breasts hardening underneath the fabric until they were uncomfortable to bare. "Ronan" I whispered inside his ear.

"Do you want to set them free?" His voice coated in small delight.

I nodded arching my back for him to reach the strap of my bra. I heard a subtle clip my back becoming more relaxed from the lifted pressure Of my strap.

Sitting up I threw the bras on the floor, feeling the cool breeze hit my nipping causing them to harden even more.

"Prefect" Ronan smiled. We both sat besides each other taking in each other's beauty. I couldn't help how my chest swelled at the way he stared, as if it was only me he could see and no one else.

"Do you want to lay down?" He questioned. I bit low lip, a small blush blooming on my face.

He placed both his hands on each side of my jaw so my head tilted up. "We don't have to do this".

"I want to do it" a small tremor in my words.

His kissed the top of my forehead "try and get some sleep".

I watched him as he went into the cupboard, a small frown marked his face at the clothes piled up inside. He grabbed a long white shirt and returned back to me.

He placed it over my head coving me up. I couldn't help but feel the slight relief. I wanted to do this with him. I wanted him to be my 'first' but only when I felt comfortable I would.

He didn't need me to say anything to know the answer to it when he asked earlier on and I couldn't help that my heart beat an extra beat for him.

I moved towards my pillow and laid there watching as he moved to the other side. He tucked himself in also making sure I had enough to cover over my shoulders.

"Goodnight" he whispered.

"Goodnight" I returned.

Rival Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora