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Once we arrived at the outing.

We linked our arms together pretending to be the perfect couple as always.

We fell into step with the senator and his guards as he walked the opposite side to us. Talking with the man that seemed to be the mayor of some small town.

They all stopped when they approached stalls filled with delicious pastries and debatable looking cheeses.

A crowd formed in front of the senator blocking our view as he talked to one of the stall owners, being his polite self.

As I watched him I started to think the allegations about him were false, he didn't seem to look at someone the wrong way and was always polite to everyone he came across, no matter who.

I shook my head lightly, there was only one way I would find out who he truly was, in a couple of days time at the charity ball.

"We've lost him completely" said Ronan, startling me from my trance.

I felt the brush of his lips on my ear as he spoke, shooting a shiver down my spine.

Stop it. We can't like him remember what he said about me.

I nodded in answer, tugging to move at a different angle.

His arms slowly loosened around mine, until they were no longer linked and he was gone, wondering around the stalls.

I rolled my eyes, unbothered by him anymore and began doing my own thing, which consisted of buying as many pastries as I could carry.

Munching on the many pastries in my hand a wasn't aware of where I was going until I clashed into a body falling on my ass.

"Ouch" I muttered under my breath, getting up and pattering the dirt at the back of my dress.

"Shoot, I'm sorry" the man exclaimed picking up the dropped items.

You sound familiar

" its fine don't worry about it" I ensured the man.

Once he had finished picking up every bag, he stood straight and that's when it hit me like a mother fucking truck.

"Micheal" my voice sounding stunned.

"How do you know.... Kiera?" He said sounding just as shocked as I felt.

No longer was the lanky boy with blonde hair and braces the colour of blue like his eyes.

The freckled face was replaced with smooth ivory skin, his hair had darkened into an almost brown and his teeth were straight and white as pearls. He was more built then before almost unrecognisable if it wasn't for those sea blue eyes.

" I..I can't believe it. Wow you look great" he stuttered scanning me from head to toe.

I let out an airy laugh grinning from ear to ear.

" as do you" I replied.

"What are you doing in DC" still trying to wrap my head around it.

Me and Micheal were close in middle school and high school due to his father being friends with Brandon.

He would always come over with his dad and we would stay in my room messing around.

That was until the "incident".

After what had happened I never stayed in my room, unless it was to sleep and even then I would sleep on the floor.

" I work at the house" he said pointing to the House of Representatives.

"You did good mikey" I patted his arm

He huffed out a laugh " how about you what do you do?" Questioning me.

I just shrugged at him " here and there not really settling for anything yet"

"Of course" he muttered.

"You never stuck to one thing always changing your mind"

"Hey" I pushed him playfully.

We didn't know what else to say. It had been long. Too long.

Standing there we stood there fully grinning at each other as if we were communicating with each other through our smile's.

"There you are lamb" I heard from behind me inwardly groaning.

"Who's this?" Ronan said standing next to me.

"Micheal" he stretched his hand out for a handshake "and you are?"

"Ronan" he took it "you know Kiera?" He said raising his brow.

"I do" Micheal looked back at me.

"We were childhood friends" giving me a smile, I returned it.

Ronan began looking between the two of us, his brows furrowing together.

Without warning I felt his hand snake around my waist.

what are you doing?

I shot him a deadly glare .

It was Michael's turn to look between the two of us.

"Are you guys...."

"Oh god no" I interrupted pushing Ronan's hand away.

"I'd rather stick needles in my eyes" I gritted out watching Ronan's expression.

He remained his cool self, but his eyes revealed something like guilt.

"Oh" Micheal said "well I must get going"

"Hopefully I'll see you around?" I questioned him.

"Most definitely" his eyes dancing with delight.

"I'll see you soon dearest" the last thing he said before he was swallowed by the crowd.

"Look I didn't mean anything I said" Ronan turned to look at me.

"It wasn't..."

"Ronan I don't care what you think of me" I raised my hand to stop him from talking.

" I just want to do this ok, let's keep it professional" I sighed.

In truth I didn't want to keep things professional between us, I wanted us to be friends at least, but I won't get my hopes up for nothing.

"Are we done now?" I asked him, me legs were aching and I wanted to go back to the hotel.

"Yeah we're done" he muttered, grabbing my hand and leading it towards the crowd, our only exit point.


We arrived at the hotel in a matter of minutes.

I threw myself onto the couch, tired and exhausted from the day.

"Who was that guy?" Ronan came strolling to the couch.

" we used to be close friends" I said reaching for the clasp on the sandals.

"Friends huh" he said sarcastically.

"Yes friends, what it's it to you anyways"

Ronan moved his body towards mine, his eyes never leaving me.

"What about if I told you I didn't want to keep this professional?" He said until our bodies were flushed together.

"Wh...what do you mean?" I felt my face reddened.

He moved his hands towards my shoulder brushing of the hair that rested on top.

" I won't lie to you Kiera I want you" whispering in my ear.

" I want all of you"

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