
When he entered his room, that weak human was lying on the bed. He had a wet towel on his forehead. Given the energy leaking from this human, he could tell that this human was sick and unwell. Rushtaf walked closer to the bed.
"Oi human! Wake up." He said.

The silent muffled breathing continued.

Humph! This human must have been very relieved with his absence for the past few days. "Oi! Get up." He spoke again. This time he grabbed the arm of the human. But when the skin came in contact with his own, his eyes fluctuated a bit.


The skinny weak arm in his hand was burning hot. And the body of the human was slumping  backward without any strength as if he were lifeless.

"Tsk. So weak." Rushtaf clicked his tongue. Humans are so weak. This sickly guy looked as if he was dying. Hmph! If he dies so then it be. There are plenty of humans he can toy with. Rushtaf thought to himself, still holding the arm of this human.


The body of this human was burning up.

Rushtaf stared at the unconscious weak ass thing before him. He frowned. He bent over. Then he tucked the human back into the bed.
"Hmmm...." He thought for a while.
"Since it's so fun being around you, if you were to get sick like this or die, my life would be pretty boring. Not that your death will matter to me." He bent over leaning close to the human on the bed.
"Hm....Human, be grateful. I am giving some of my essence to you."
He opened his mouth. Then parting the human's lips he kissed those lips lightly, letting his life essence into the human body.

That should cure his illness.

He thought to himself. Pulling back he waited for the human to wake up. The pale skin of the boy began to show some colour. The frown between his brows disappeared. His tense body relaxed. And his body temperature fell back to its normal level.
"Oi! Wake up." He spoke nonchalantly.

"Wake up!"

Hng! Yulis heard some one telling him to wake up. What's this? He thought. Feeling the discomfort in his body disappear. He was down with a high fever and the last thing he remembered was taking some medicine and cooling off his head. Also, who was this person asking him to wake up? Can't they see he is asleep? Wait..... This voice sounded familiar to him. A chill ran down his body. In an instant his eyes flung open, wide awake at the moment. The instant he opened his eyes he was met with a chilling pair of purple eyes right before him, leaning very close to his face.
His heart almost had a heart attack. Whack! In a moment of shock he raised his hands, pushing away the dangerous man leaning very close to him.
"W....what are you doing?"

Rushtaf, who was looking into those beautiful pair of brown and red eyes, admiring its beauty, was suddenly pushed by two weak hands. Those hands held no power as it didn't even move him in the slightest.
"You!" He said, in a rather annoyed voice. Pushing through to lean closer, he pinched the human's cheeks lightly. While doing so he made sure to control the grip of his strength so that he doesn't hurt this boy as humans bruise very easily. "I cured someone weak and insignificant like you and this is what I get instead of gratitude?"

Yulis was freaking out. He was scared to death by this person's actions. This guy, no, this demon was gone for a few days bringing inner peace to him but now that he has returned he was already giving him a heart attack. He thought this person was here to play with him again but what? He cured Yulis? As in his fever?
"You...what did you say just now?" He couldn't believe him could he?