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Two round paw like hands, legs that seemed soft and squishy. Dressed in blue jumpsuit with matching blue shoes. A white plain shirt underneath the jumpsuit. Synthetic brown hair and marble like blue eyes with a round nose and plain lips, this body looked like it would break down any moment. But when Nulis entered the body and tried to move he found that the physique of the push doll was sturdy. Its body movements was also easily manageable. He looked at his partner. Looking up at Ivar Nulis felt as if his partner have become a Giant. was actually Nulis who was short. After all the push doll body was just two feet tall.

"You look good. How is it?"

The system heard his partner speak. " feels so good to have a body like this and move around according to your wish. I love it."

Ivar smiled. Nulis was really a great person. He knew greed but wasn't obsessed with it. If he were a greedy person they would be complaining right now, demanding for something more dramatic and better. Even earlier he was about to go for the cheaper bodies. Look at him...He was growing stars on his head just with a body like this.

"In the next world I am going to run through the streets and have my own adventure." Nulis exclaimed with bright eyes. He felt so blessed to finally have a body of his own.

"Pffttt..... You are like a child who is visiting a park for the first time. Anyway. Have fun on your own but make sure to tell me if something comes up." Ivar picked up Nulis in his hands examining him. Now that he had a closer look Nulis looked very cute. The colour blue really suited his character.

With a wink. "Don't worry Ivar. I will keep our connection alive so that when something happens the system will inform you immediately." Nulis was shivering with excitement. "Anyway let's go to the next world right away!"

Ding! Ding!

"Ugh....." Ivar opened his eyes, feeling nauseous and discomfort in his body. He groaned as he rushed to the bathroom. As soon as he was there he let it out.

"Blergggg.....cough cough...."


"Fuck!" Ivar cursed. Just how much bottle did this person drink for him to be vomiting so much.....
When he was done he washed his mouth, brushed them and walked out. When he was back in the room he saw Nulis getting up on the bed. He got on it and began jumping on the thick soft matress of the bed.
"...." Ivar ignored him. His lips curled up a bit but he controlled himself from not breaking into a laughter. When he squinted his eyes around the room he frowned.
Twelve bottles? No wonder he was in so much discomfort as soon as he was here. His whole body felt sore and filthy. Ivar began to tidy up the room. He cleaned the mess which took an enitre hour for him to get the huge apartment clean. After he was done with cleaning he washed himself up. Ivar opened the closet to get himself comfortable clothes. When he opened the closet door he saw ten pair of suits hanging inside along with some other clothes. He ignored those dark coloured suits taking a white t shirt and black pants.
Once he was done he went to the kitchen only to find the freeze was empty. He sighed. This body felt extremely hungry. He could tell that this person have been barely eating, drinking on empty stomach.
Ivar was very irritated.

"Nulis pour in the data." He requested. Ivar was very irked dying to know what have caused this body to ignore his well being to this extend. He was going to have to visit the hospital too.

The cute little push doll lying on the bed did as his partner said.

CEO'S SECRET OFFICE ROMANCE. Read the name of the world.

SYSTEM:TWISTED LOVE INTEREST CANNON FODDER. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora