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Ivar felt his soul's wave length tremble lightly as he felt his sealed powers flow through his body in all directions, his mana flooding his soul to the brim until it was about to overflow. His soul was filled with vitality. He tried to manipulate the mana using his will and he was able to do it. So knowing this he had a shocked expression adorning his cold face. Why did they unsealed his powers? Or did they make some kind of mistake? He couldn't help but think so.

"Nulis, pour in the data." He spoke to the system as he fixated his eyes on the scene that was before him.

Hell had broken loose. A horrifying war was currently taking the shape of a heavenly war.
Ivar looked down on the clothes he was wearing. He was familiar with this dress style. It was Chinese clothing. Meaning this was most likely a cultivation world with magic as its power essence. If not, his powers couldn't have been manifested in a world without mana essence.

"Host. I will do it right away." The system replied as it began to pour the data into its host's mind.

Ivar took a deep breath as he read through the data.

Just as he had speculated this was a cultivation world. And mana was the essence of this world. Unlike the previous cultivation worlds with a pyramid like structural ranks based on soul force or realm based cultivation this world was slightly different. As this world was a higher realm where the gods lived. Even the lowest realm of this world had no humans. All of them were gods bounded with a hierarchy system based solely on mana essence. Meaning, Strength and aptitude determined your status more than anything.
The son of fate of this world was called Guang Wang Lei. He was the son born by the union of two formidable people, Shen Lei and Ting Lian. Shen Lei, his father was one of the head Lords of the realm, the master of the dragon gods while Ting Lian, his mother was the Saintess of the Holy temple. Both were prominent figures known and acknowledged by the gods of the Divine Realm, the realm where the protagonist was born. So it was inevitable that the fruit of such two people would be special. Guang Wang Lei was a special existence. Infact his existence was so special that the moment he was born a prophecy was bestowed upon him by the statue of the King God that stood at the altar of the Eight Jade Palace.
The prophecy said: "The fruit of union between the the ancient god beast and the goddess will bring forth a great war that will lead to the destruction of the world. Mark my words. As the gods rulling this world, get rid of the seed that will cause the world's destrcution. Or else, the entire universe shall be in danger. Mark the king's words, the entire world will be forever in chaos unless we fail to extinguish the fire that will engulf the universe in the flame of destruction."
This prophecy was the first turning point in this story.

The head of the Eight Jade Palace aimed his blade at the dragon gods. He who had received the prophecy from the King himself waged a war against the mighty dragon gods and the holy temple. Two forces collided against each other, one force consisted of the head of the dragon gods along with his kin, the holy temple and his sworn brother who was also a member of the twelve head Lords. And facing this mighty force was the Head of the Eight Jade Palace, all the other remaning head Lords and the other believers of the Almighty King. The War ended with the former forces defeated, the mighty beasts race almost wiped out to the brink of extinction. Although the forces were defeated but the Strength they showed in the war left everyone speechless.
Tattered clothes, his body bleeding from his head to toes, all his mana drained, he held the woman of his life, his love and the fruit their love bore, an infant who was not even five. He held his sword, the blade stuck on the ground yet it looked like he would haul his blade towards his enemy any moment if they were to take even a step forward. His eyes looked down on his wife, who had died protecting their child.