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Beep. Beep.

Ding. Ding.

"System activate...."


"System binding activate. Ding. System binding processing. Binding succesful."

"System and host contract has been activated. We will now prepare the subjugation process of the host's powers."

Ivar heard a mechanical voice speak in his mind. The moment the strange voice resonated inside his mind a painful headache over took his consciousness, blurring his vision, breaking his concentration to the point he was unable to control the flow of mana in his body. He felt the insides of his body contract with a terrifying force, as if something sharp was binding him from the inside, crushing his internal organs as if it wanted to squeeze the shit out of him.
Cough. Cough. He spat out a mouthful of blood.

"The host's powers has been sealed. Please dear host, choose the option from these two. The host must leave this world at once as the world is collapsing due to the host's forceful intervention."

There were two options that wrote. "Leave this world- Accept or Reject."

Ivar frowned as he felt the mana flowing in him disappear.
"Who are you? What are you?" He huffed as he spoke.

"Host, let me introduce myself. I am system Nulis. I have been appointed to oversea the host's current deviation upon the orders of the first system division of the divine realm. I, Nulis, am here on my first mission to help the host travel to different worlds in an attempt to oversea the host's current status as a deviant."

Ivar's pair of red eyes squinted with a murderous glare. His mood dropped making the air aorund him cold.

"Ding. Host. Your killing intent has been detected. Please learn to control your emotions. If not it will pose as a problem to your upcoming missions."

Missions? Ivar snorted at the words the mechanical voice said. His eyes were fixated at the structure of the world that was collapsing rapidly. Almost! He had almost destroyed this damn filthy world!

"Host, please choose the desired option. If not you will perish here along with this collapsing world." The system spoke again. For a first timer it was rather calm.
"Also, host is not allowed to reject or ignore the system's suggestions."

Ivar tried to force out his mana particles but no matter how much he tried his magic did not react to his summon no matter what. Instead what fell on him was the very pain of being squeezed from the inside, as if an unknown force was gonna rip him to pieces from within him.
He groaned in pain.

"Its futile host. You cannot free yourself from the system once the bonding have been established." It spoke.

"Is that so." His eyes were lifeless once again.
"Then I guess I will perish with this world. With you including." Since it had said that the bonding cannot be undone once established it meant the system was gonna get destroyed with him if he died here.

The system tried to hide the panic it felt. "Host, please..please calm down. Infact, if the host accumulates enough points by completing missions, I can grant the host's most desired wish."

Ivar noticed how it rushed over to offer him an apple pie.
"Wish? You hold that kind of power?" The system nodded it's invisble head.
"Then, what if my wish is to destroy all the worlds that had been created by one single god?"

"..." The system was silent.

"Do you have the power to grant me this wish? If no, then I don't mind dying here."
Ivar waited for the system to reply. But seconds passed. There was no reply. Minutes passed. There was still no reply.