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Nulis was still drowning in the shock that he have received just now.

Guang Wang Lei.

Guang Wang Lei.

The Guang Wang Lei from that world? Are you fucking kidding me!!??

"So how did you become what you are now?" Compared to the system Ivar's reaction was quite laid back.
Ivar was one of those puppets who broke through the world and went beyond it. So it came as no surprise to him that there are also others who did the same thing as him. He knew that he was not the only one.

Guang Wang Lei was really pleased with the current situation between them. This was the longest conversation they have ever had between them. Moreover, it was about him. His kitty was asking things about him! He was very happy to get this kind of attention from Ivar.
"Hm....well...." He smiled as he spoke. "Long story short, everything started from the time when I massacred all my concubines."

Hm.... He did say something about killing all his concubines in that world. Ivar thought to himself.

"I guess I ascended to godhood that night. And there was this thing called legacy. It was a gift from the god who made me. Shortly after that I discovered the existence of other worlds and since I was pretty bored I ran around from one world to another."

Hm....Legacy. Ivar was familiar with this word. When he rebelled against his original world the rules did mention this thing called legacy. He will never forget the voices he heard that day. Legacy was a powerful key to breaking through and going beyond worlds. Thanks to it he was able to break the shackles binding him to that awful world.

The system was really shocked. This guy.....
"Wuwu....he has the power to go through different worlds with his own ability. Wuwu...only if I had that power too.... The world is so unfair!" Nulis complained glaring at the guy who was speaking as if it wasn't much if a big deal. 

"Then I stumbled across a really interesting discovery. There were more than one parallel worlds of every world. This discovery made me hopeful so I changed ways. That's how my journey of looking for them began until I met you, that is." Guang Wang Lei continued the conversation. "I have seen many versions of my world but never once did I make it in time for them, neither could I save them."

Them? Ivar thought. "Who do you mean by saying 'them'?" He asked.

The taller demon lowered his eyes at his kitty. He took a bite of the delicious candy in Ivar's hand. "Chew...chew." The sound of his chewing built up the suspense of his answer.
"My parents."


Both system and host were startled by his answer.

The candy on Ivar's hand fell out of his grip.

Luckily the taller demon grabbed it in time, saving it from falling on the ground. He could see the shock in the shorter one's eyes.
"I wanted to find a possible world where my parents were alive. And if I found a world with them in it I wanted to save them, bring them back to my world, at least. Sadly, I found them nowhere. Everytime my timing was awalys too late. Or maybe the chains of rules prevented it from happening. Anyway, when I was about to give up I saw a strange dimensional gateway being opened. I could tell that it was a parallel world of mine so I followed suit with some hope."
Guang Wang Lei lowered himself so that his face was at the same level as Ivar's. A wonderful smile graced on his marvelous face as he added. "Then I found you. Thanks to it I was able to meet you. Entering that portal and meeting you was one of the best thing that has ever happened to me before. Hehe."