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It was Akira who spoke those unbelievable words.
Both Kioshi and Masaaki were stupefied. They couldn't believe it. Akira was complementing the guy who had tried to harm him all this time.

"Why do you say that? He is just a dirty scumbag." Kioshi snorted angrily.

Masaaki on the other hand was a bit concerned about Akira. Kazuhiko had abandoned them completely. "You....are you fine now? Does it still hurt for you to see them like that.....?"

The other person was busy stuffing the delicious meat into his mouth and everytime he ate them it felt like the taste was melting his tongue. "I...chew..chew... I am already over Kazuhiko. Why should I be hung up on a person I already broke up with. I am done being a damsel in distress. You...chew chew...guys don't have to worry about me anymore." Making an Ok gesture with his hand he stuffed more meat into his mouth to the point that his cheeks were puffing out from both sides.

Masaaki smiled at how cute Akira was looking right now. Just like an innocent child. Kioshi on the other hand couldn't help but glance at a certain table. He had a complicated gaze on his face as he squinted his eyes towards Ivar.
Both Kazuhiko and Makato.....both of them were becoming strange.....

" good. So tasty...."

"Damn... I don't want this trip to be over."

"Meat. Meat. Tasty tasty meat."

"Hmmm.....this is the best barbeque I had ever had. The meat is top quality. Even the equipments provided are perfect. Can I take this home, please?"

The sound of chattering increased even more than before. As the sun kissed the horizon of the sea most of the students retreated inside, their tummies full to the brim was making them feel somewhat sleepy. Well of
course this didn't include a certain someone who was obsessed with the view before him.
A lonely figure walked the length of the beach. Wearing a red t shirt underneath his white shirt and black shorts, the lonesome figure was walking bare feet. The sea breeze was blowing lightly, the wind making his black hair flutter in the air. He gave off a persona of a person living in his own tiny world. Another tall person was following him in his track. The handsome person had a smug smile attached on his face as he took off his shoes and placed his own feet on the imprint of a slender foot before him belonging to the person walking ahead of him. And just like that he followed his future babe in silence, not uttering a single word yet following his every footprint, this scene kinda reminded him of the previous world when they went to visit the ocean. The familiar sunset, the similar ocean view, and the presence of this dazzling attractive person before him.....
Just looking at Ivar's side profile staring at the sunset was making his heart beat so crazily.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

"Soo beautiful....." Kazuhiko couldn't help but exclaim in silence. Ivar was like the dazzling moon shining in the dark sky, mysterious and enchanting at the same time, and the more you look at this person, the more you was bound to be drawn to him.
He was falling even harder for him. To the point that he had to keep aside his initial mission of searching for those two.
"Oh dear, please forgive this ungrateful child." He couldn't help but apologize to the people he was looking for. For now, he had to chase this person and make him his. Or else he might disappear from this world, out of his reach and out of his sight.
Kazuhiko saw Ivar stop on his tracks. He turned around to look at him. Coldly.

"What?" Raising his brow slightly. Kazuhiko was pleased when he saw him turn around to face him. He fasten his steps a bit towards him.

Ivar clicked his tongue. "Tch!" Doing so he kept his cold gaze onto the bastard approaching him. "Why?" He couldn't help but ask. "Why? Why are you doing this, wasting your time chasing for something impossible?"
His words made the other person's feet stop a few meters away from him.