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This was the first time Guang Wang Lei felt so humiliated after hundreds of years. His anger radiating from his form affected those bowing to him. A blazing light lit up the nearby surrounding, burning it with a bliding sting. The pain being inflicted on them made tears form in the corner of their eyes.

"Holy Crann, please calm down." The one to speak up was a beautiful fairy. She had crystal like butterfly wings. Her hair was silver light, donned with beautiful iris flowers. She held her face down hoping to appease the angered holy heart of the fairyland. "Please appease your anger. We, all our subordinates will think of a way to fulfill the duty given to us."

There were others beside her.

One of them added, mustering his courage to speak up as well. His head was a red mushroom. His body had the proportions of a regular human but the shade of his skin was a strange ash grey colour. Moreover his body was attached with green leaves in the shape of his clothes.
Beside him there were several other fairies. A little girl with bright red hair, dressed as if she was submerged in raindrops, an old woman with yellow braided hair, her dress sliding on the ground, a one horned creature with ten legs and fair wings and many more.

"Oh great soul of our home, please give us some time. We will think of an alternative."


"Please spare us some time."

All they heard in respones was a loud, mocking snort.

If Guang Wang Lei had a form right now he would be rolling his eyes at them, his lips curving up with anger as he played with his five fingers, thinking of ways to kill them. Even without a face those fairies could perceive the killing intent rising from the holy soul.

Cough. Cough. Cough.

The silver haired girl who spoke up first coughed violently. This was the hundredth time she was hearing the same sentence from their holy soul. Calling the strongest fairies of their Planet "Useless" was a bit of a shock. Not to mention she was the present Queen of the Mith. She, who was Feared as one of the most strongest and influential person in this world was being subjected to this kind of humiliation....It was beyond shock. Her reaction of coughing violently was the result of the shock she was experiencing.
"But Holy Crann.... What you demanded is a bit of a...."

"Tsk. So weak! Why are all of you so weak!"

Everyone heard those words loud and clear.

But no one uttered a word of complain.

This was because they had learnt their lesson a few days ago. When one of those kneeling right now retorted to the holy Crann's statement the person was almost banged to death against the ground. The heart of the fairy land, the holy Crann was a powerful and special existence in this world but they never thought that it would get possessed by something vile and vicious someday.
When the holy Crann spoke for the first time, everyone thought that they were hallucinating, hearing a voice coming from it speaking to them.
Moreover the very first words the holy Crann uttered were:

"What the fuck! Oh fuck! What the hell is this?"

Queen Sill, the silver haired fairy who was the current ruler of Mith Planet was outraged by those words she had heard. In a fit of rage she tried to investigate the holy Crann by injecting her sight into it, dreading that something wicked has trespassed inside the world of it. But what shocked her was that not only was her sight injection repelled, she even got her soul form hit by a destructive force that almost broke her soul form. After that she was in coma for several days. Queen Sill was only able to wake up after she fully recover  her powers. Even when she woke up thinking she had healed shocked her because her soul damage did not recover even a bit. After she awoke she then learnt of the chaotic situation the fairyland was facing. And she did not even dare to imagine the hell her people went through while she was in coma. After all she was among the first group to hear the holy Crann speak.

SYSTEM:TWISTED LOVE INTEREST CANNON FODDER. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora