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A week went by.

During this time a lot has happened.

From what Ivar had heard the student who was involved in the previous incident with Lord Mao, who started the ruckus first was expelled from the school. He was kicked out of the school because he had been hiding illegal herbs in his bag stolen from the academy's greenhouse. Of course this was obviously a ploy staged by those bastards. People began to gossip more about this incident and the previous ones as well, seeds of doubts beginning to rise in their hearts. Although their mouths shrugged it off as a coincidence but behind close doors they were gossiping about it.

Since they loved staging people into things they have never committed Ivar was going to stage the perfect ploy for those bastards including that white lotus for something they always do in the bedroom. This was going to be the last string in tarnishing Yue Ling's pure image and his reputation.

"Partner, General Xian and Yue Ling has met. They are currently banging each other in a narrow alley down the street."

Ivar heard the system say. Everything was going smoothly. Even the banquet where he would set his remaining plans into motion was approaching. The banquet where all the current emperors as well as the princes of the fifteen kingdoms would attend was going to be held in a few days. There he was going to end all his preparations. Thinking so his attention was brought back to the person seated next to Wang Lei.
Ivar stared at the man with keen eyes, his gaze a bit chilling.

"Babe." Guang Wang Lei called him out.

Ivar moved his eyes to his lover. Upon seeing him he could tell the man was riled up for some reason. He saw Wang Lei pout as he walked over to him. Siting down next to Ivar he squeezed their hands together.

"Priest Du. Meet my lover." Gaung Wang Lei spoke proudly, huffing his chest out as he gave his kitty a light peck on the cheek.

"Pffttt....." Ivar let out a light giggle, his voice sounding melodious. The cold look on his face was replaced by a very bright smile, his beautiful persona felt like that of a living fairy.
"~Wang Lei!!~."

"~yes babe~"

Priest Du, who was sitting across them closed his eyes. He couldn't handle how his king was flirting with another person, the bloodlust in his eyes replaced by an indulging, affectionate gaze, directed towards a ger, who was of unparalleled beauty. He had heard of the name Sheng Yan before. The Zheng kingdom's most beautiful man. His beauty was renowned across the kingdom, ranking second in appearance. What's more intriguing was that the beauty who took the first place from the ger before him was also in this same kingdom. Yue Ling, the most beautiful man in the world. That's what the rumours said about him. However now that he was witnessing Sheng Yan's appearance he couldn't even imagine how the ger called Yue Ling would  look like. Sheng Yan was already extraordinarily beautiful in his eyes.
Cough. Cough.
"Emperor Wang I hope you haven't forgotten that we have a banquet to attend in a few days."

Without moving his eyes to look at him, "Yes I remember. We will be attending it together." He replied looking into his Kitty's curving eyes.

Hah! Prest Du sighed inwardly. His emperor is so hopeless. Now he wasn't even looking at him while replying.
"Then I will take my leave." He stood up and walked away. He felt like he was interrupting the two.

After he walked away Guang Wang Lei smooched Ivar over and over, pecking him on the lips playfully, sometimes sticking in his tongue and sometimes kissing Ivar's face.

With a laugh, "You are acting as if you are going to eat me up. Am I that sweet?" Saying this he put his chin on Wang Lei's shoulders. His eyebrows arching up in amusement.