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When people came rushing to the mine, the mine was already in a very terrific condition. The entrance was almost blocked with crumbling stones, piling up the small space, a small gap remaining at its edge. The fire enlarged, blazing darker and hotter. With a look the people gathering could tell there was no chance of the workers inside surviving the explosion from the inside.
Ivar and Ibelina were amongst these crowd.
Screams of agony, sorrow, trauma and terror filled the crowd as the family members of the workers cried, some even trying to rush into the mine while some tried to hold them back.

"Nooooo.....Darling....he is still inside....let me go...! Let me go!"

"Sister...." Sobs sobs.

"Dad!!! Someone save my dad....."


Every person was calling out to their loved ones as they wailed with voices as if something had pierced their heart.

"J...Josh... Al....ex...Oh god....please. Please!"
Ivar heard his mother utter, tears rolling down her cheeks as she tried to hold back her cries.
He looked at his mother than at the people around.

Everybody had lost someone here! And they were one of them.

They....Dad and Alex....they were...they were....
As he processed this thought he felt his vision blur with liquid.
It was tears.

He was crying. And as soon as he realised he was crying the tragedy hit him hard making his heart tremble with an unknown emotion he was feeling for the first time.
Al...Alex and Da....d...They were....

"Look!" A man shouted. "There is someone trapped near the entrance."

This caught everyone's attention, with lingering hope.

"It...its a boy....a child." Someone shouted with a gasp.

Ivar looked at the entrance and suddenly froze.
A small hand covered in bruises, the fresh wounds bleeding as his small fingers twitched, his black hair was covered with mud and dyed red with blood, his head bleeding heavily. His small frame was trapped underneath those fallen stones.


"Alllexxxxx...!" Ivar uttered.
"Alex!" He then shouted as his legs began moving forward making a run towards the front. As he ran he shouted his brother's name over and over again.

Ibelina froze as she began to wail harder, finding it extremely difficult to maintain her composure. "Al...Alex! My dear dear son, please hang in there...please...."

"Alex....!" The small boy trampled underneath those rocks heard a familiar voice shout his name.
His vision was blurred with something red but he was still able to tell who was shouting his name.
It was his brother and his mother.
"" He spoke but his voice came out in fragments, swallowed by the dizziness in his brain. He tried to speak raising his voice again but he was unable to do so as he felt something very heavy and painful weigh on him.

"Oh god. Alex, please be safe. Please....I will come to get you..." Ivar prayed in his heart as he began to walk out of the crowd at the front.
When he was about to take another step he felt four arms binding him strongly around his waist and his hands.

" cannot go there. We don't know when there might be another explosion." A man spoke as he held him tightly, leaving no space to struggle.

"Let...let me go! That's my brother. I need to save him." Ivar tried to pry away the sturdy hands from him but the strength of an adult man won over his nine year old stature.
"Please! Please! Let go! I need to save him. Atleast him!"
But the man did not budge.
"I said let go! There isn't another explosion yet. We can still save him. He is only seven...." Frustrated, he started to shout at the man as he cried.