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A strong wisp of a very sweet scent flooded the chamber.


Everyone who smelt it flinched when they inhaled the intoxicating sweet scent.

"Bar...." Harry and the twins chased after their brother who was sprinting away from the palace at a great speed. 

"Peter go follow him. I will take care of the guests." Maria pushed her husband forward.

Peter gave her a look before chasing after his son. was something expected yet unexpected at the same time....

"It seems like you need to take care of something rather urgent." King Rhiem commented. "We should take our leave."

Maira did not object at his suggestion.
"Apologies but the feast shall hereby end. The guests are requested to leave as they please."


Everybody's attention was shifted towards the man who have just entered. Based on his appearance this was the Goblin prince's lover.

"Where is Bar?" Gaung Wang Lei asked. He could tell something major has happened. His eyes widened when he sniffed a sweet scent. Without waiting for Maria's answer he immediately disappeared from the spot.
Following the wisps of this intoxicating sweet smell he chased after it.
This was Bar's scent. He could tell it. His kitty needed him right now.


"Baby chan....running like this won't solve it. You have to wait and listen to us...."

The three pair of brothers chased after their youngest brother. Their Bar's heat has come. They themselves were aware of how frenzy the Goblin heat could be. It was a strong will of desire rampaging their rationality, threatening to let loose their Goblin instinct, the desire of wanting to mate and mate flooding their senses.
If the required thing wasn't done at the time of the could cause the individual to regress backward in evolution.

Ivar wanted to get rid of this frenzy feeling. He sprinted towards the large expand of the ocean, running on its surface to let the steam off his body reduce. He couldn't hear the voice shouting after him. His entire focus was on suppressing this feeling threatening to come out on the surface. Ivar's instinct told him that.....if he let it out something terrible might happen.

Grab. Pull.

"Huff...huff....Hng..." Ivar trembled even at the slightest touch of a person. His brain was muddled, numb with trying to keep his desire at leash. Pair of strong arms encircled around his waist, pulling him for a tight hug.

"'s okay. Its okay." He could feel a voice whisper to him, the breathe of the person falling onto his nape.

"Hng..." Ivar trembled. His body was very sensitive to even the slightest touch.

"'s okay. Its okay now. I am here. Calm down." The warm voice of the person was trying to ease him. It was cool and soothing. A familiar scent flooded Ivar's nose. He looked up at the man holding him.
Even in this state he could tell who it was.
"...huff...huff...Wang Lei.....Wang Lei..."

"Yes. Its me. Bar." Guang Wang Lei stroke his face, rubbing his fingers against his Kitty's red face. The skin coming in contact with his was very hot. He hauled him up in his arms. Ivar moaned at his touch. He encircled his arms around the broad stature of his lover, curling himself close to his body.

Peter and the others let out a sigh of relief. They were currently standing in the middle of the ocean. It was crazy thinking that their Bar came this far, running without listening to them. But now that this guy was here....everything was going to be fine.