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The world flipped over in a single day.

With the news of the youngest Goblin prince being kidnapped by the fairy race spreading like wildfire across the five planets the severity of the issue showed itself in the form of a fierce battle taking place in the Planet of dwarfs. The Goblin family went berserk that day. Not even the intervention of the other races could stop their wrath upon having their darling prince kidnapped under their nose. The dwarfs tried to meditate but their efforts were in dismay because of the hostility of the fairies against the goblins.
A war immediately escalated in the blink of an eye. The goblins and the fairies were the two forces clashing against each other. The humans were the onlookers. They were enjoying the drama unfold, watching with grinning eyes, their filthy nature showing its true colours. While the angels ignored the battle, leaving as if it had nothing to do with them. The dwarfs were put into a difficult situation and since they couldn't stop the fight they just told them to take their fight somewhere else. Their rationality knew no bounds.

The fairy Queen was severely injured by the enraged Goblin princess. The fairies had a major loss in the battle. The five Goblin monsters overwhelmed the high and mighty fairies causing numerous death, injuring hundreds, demanding they return their prince if they didn't wanted further damage. They refused to listen to the excuse of the fairy queen telling them that she did not knew that guy who took away their darling prince. This ended up in a worse state where Queen Sill was beaten blue and black, and was forced to flee at the expanse of her fellow race's death.

What's more insane was the fact that all this happened in one day and one night.

The scale of the war was going to write another devastating history. This is what the people of the galaxy thought.
Unbeknownst to the shock that the goblins were going through at the moment they spoke of such words.

Five Pairs of piercing eyes glared at the man with silky green hair. Their mesmerizing eyes stared into the soul of the green haired man with a gaze that could impale through the man's body.
Maria's fingers twitched with bloodlust. She subdued it somehow as she walked towards his lovely son.
"Bar...where were you? I am so glad that you are safe. Did this bastard do anything to you?" At the end of the sentence she narrowed his eyes at the green fairy their son had brought over. Her threatening eyes was obvious to the fairy but the latter only smirked, unflinching as he stood by their Bar's side.

"Baby chan, who is he? Do you know him?" Joel walked to his baby brother. He was very happy to see him without any injury but.....this man. He was the one who kidnapped their baby chan under their nose so he was very bitter meeting the kidnapper at the doorstep of their palace.

Jude, Harry and Peter had the same reaction.

"Father can I kill that thing?" Jude said pointing at the eyesore fairy.

The green haired fairy felt his eyebrow twitch. He smirked as he spoke to them. "Guang Wang Lei is my name. Nice to meet you, father-in-law, mother-in-law and brothers-in-law." He then flashes them a handsome, radiant smile.



The so called in law's snarled their fangs at him, their fingers elongating, twisting left and right, tingling with the intention to snap him into pieces.

"How dare you!"

"I will feed your shredded body to the dogs."

"shut up you eyesore!"

"You seem to have a death wish. Very well, I will send you to the reaper this instant."

The reaction of the four male goblins were hostile. They leered their nasty eyes at the man who introduced himself as Guang something, their killing intent radiating towards him.

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