M. Guardian Angel x F. Reader

Comenzar desde el principio

The younger girl shouted loudly, prompting the platinum-haired boy to give a loud questioning "huh" in return. He backed up to the wall, his wings twitching in fear. She wasn't supposed to see him! Never in all of his years of schooling has the boy ever heard of someone being able to see their guardian angel. Had he already failed his mission by being noticed by her? Was he going to be punished?

A look of dread crossed over the boy's face and he broke down in tears, bawling his eyes out like a child throwing a temper tantrum. However, it appeared as though she wasn't shouting at him. Rather, she grabbed her alarm clock and began panicking, running around the room to get ready for the day. His tears ceased and he rubbed at his cheeks, drying the tears from his skin. The male then pinched his cheeks and began to focus, trying to get in the right mindset for the day ahead of him.

He followed the younger girl around as she ran to school, the boy floating alongside her with a giggle. It felt like he had been waiting to be next to her since he opened his eyes. Some part of him made him giddy and fulfilled, completely satisfied with it all. To be next to her and giving her protection was so right. He couldn't help but smile like a child given some kind of sweet pastry.

There was something in him that connected to her. They were like two puzzle pieces that melded together to create a complete and whole picture. As she ran with great worry, he could only chuckle at the sight, speeding alongside her. As her guardian angel, the boy had a deeper connection than any other person. He could sense her emotions, her thoughts, her wants and needs, and anything else. In fact, he knew her more than she knew herself.

He couldn't help but gaze at her the entire day. Somehow, experiencing her in person was far more touching than his preconceived memories of her. She was so flawed. The younger girl dozed off in class without a worry in her heart as if no one else could see her. He sat on her desk with a coy smile, rocking back and forth as he watched her. There was something so peaceful about that look on her face. He giggled happily. There wasn't any other place he felt he belonged to so much.

Akane enjoyed the days that passed, remaining by the younger girl's side and helping to draw out her potential. She wasn't a bad girl. No, she was very sweet and well-mannered, but a bit lazy and lost. As such, he just gave her a bit of motivation, pushing her to chase after her goals. After that, it seemed her life improved, every aspect of her life skyrocketing. He felt so proud for being able to do that for her. That was probably why he found himself so concerned when she began to need him less and less.

Before, she had needed him to have a proper social life. She was alone and desolate, fearful to speak to others. The younger girl thought she would be rejected and scorned by those around her if she tried to reach out to them. Yet he was the one that gave her the confidence to reach out to those unthinkable heights. Thanks to him, she was able to speak to and have crowds of people wanting to talk to her. Her social life was thriving because of him.

Before, she had needed him to have a focused mind. She was unmotivated and couldn't even look at the tests in front of her, too scared to look and more scared to try. (Y/n) didn't have the ability or the need to attempt to focus on her school work, and her grades suffered for it. Yet when he helped her to see the incredible work she could do on her own merit, she became absorbed in her work, and became a perfect and model student.

Before, she had needed him to have a dream. She was a blank slate, completely lost in who she was or what she wanted to do. Her passions went over her head and she had no thoughts of her future. Still, when he intervened, she knew the things she loved and began to have confidence in herself and her drive. Motivation became her and she was happier for it. And he was happy to see it.

That being said, he was not happy to see her lose her need for him. He had been sent to her to guide her towards her bright future. She was lost and in need of his help, and it let him find himself through it. Perhaps he had gotten too close for his own good that the separation between the two of them began to harm him so much. He found himself cowering in a corner as she slept, wondering when he was going to be removed from his post.

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