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"Baby, I know we have been together for only a year and I know you might not be ready for this but throughout this whole year I knew in my heart that you were the one for me. Nothing and no one can change that. You are the love of my life and my destiny. The mother of my future children. The one I want to grow old with. So baby on this fateful day I ask you... will you marry me?" I asked trying to conceal all the emotions.

Looking down for a bit I looked back at my lovely girlfriend, tears running down her cheeks. For a moment I thought she would reject me but then she nodded hastily and jumped on me making us fall on the beach sand.

I chuckled at her reaction before wiping off my tears and putting the ring on her finger. Kissing her in the process.

I don't know if it's just me or what but the ring looked a million times better after I put it on her finger.

"I love you so much babe."

"I love you too Yoongs."

"How about we go celebrate now?" I smirked only to get hit on my chest.

"You are such a pervert." She said making me chuckle.

"Let's go." I said and carried her to the car so we could head home and have some fun celebrating...


I walked into the house and all the lights were off. I began to wonder where my beautiful fiancè was.

"Y/N, baby where are you?" I yelled as I could not find her in the rooms I went to.

Walking toward the bathroom and I saw that the light was on. I also heard a few sniffles coming from there making my heart race.

"Baby..." I whispered as I opened the door only to be met by my baby crying.

When she saw me she quickly wiped the tears away and put on a fake smile.

"Oh Yoongi, what are you doing here? I thought you wouldn't be back until later." She said in a rushed voice now avoiding any eye contact.

Before she could walk out the door I grabbed her wrist gently and turned her so she could face me.

"My love, why are you crying?" I asked as I brought her into my embrace.

"I just got dust in my eyes. I was not crying." She said as we pulled apart.

Before I could even look into her eyes she looked down. Something was definately up. I put my hand under her chin so I could make her look at me. I saw more tears forming in her already red eyes.

"Baby, I know you are lying to me. Please tell me what made you cry. Did someone hurt you? Just tell me and I will rip their head off." I said as I got angry just thinking that someone might have hurt my baby.

"Y-Yoongi it's really n-nothing." She lied again as she looked away.

A habit I know she had when she was lying to me.

"You cannot tell me it's nothing when it made you cry. Love please tell me what's going on." I pleaded with her.

She sighed out before mumbling something which I could not catch.

"I-I'm...pre-pregnant." She said before looking away again.

A wave of shock hit me like a train. I did not expect this or even know how to react to the news. I was certainly happy but my face turned blank, a habit I had. Which I think scared her even more.

When I realized she was just scared of how I would react, I pulled her into a hug. I felt her body tense up a little before she relaxed and hugged me back.

"You...you a-are not mad?" She whispered as she tightened her arms around my waist.

"No baby, why would I be mad? Is that why you were crying? Because you thought I wouldn't want the baby?" I asked and I felt her nodding into my chest slightly.

"I thought you would be mad at me and leave us...then I would have to raise the baby on my own. That would be a disaster an-" I cut her off with a peck on her lips.

"You talk too much. I would never do that, love. We made this baby together and we will raise the baby together. Even though this was not planned I am very excited about having a child of my own especially with you being the mother. I know we are not prepared but I also know that we will make great parents. We will go through this together and raise our child to be a great person." I said in a soft tone and kissed her passionately.

Trying to show my love as much as possible in the kiss. It lasted a while until she pulled away breathing heavily.

"Thank you Yoongi... but how are we going to tell our parents about this? They don't even know that we are getting married. And we haven't even met each other's parents. Omg Yoongi what if your parents don't like me and they don't accept the bab-" I cut her off again as she began to ramble on.

"Baby don't worry about anything. I will take care of everthing. And my parents will love you and our baby. My love please don't worry anymore it's not good for you or the baby. We will tell them together and even if they don't accept our love, it won't break us apart." I said and tried to try to assure her but I could still see doubt lingering in her eyes.

"Love, don't you trust me?" I asked wanting to make sure she was okay with this.

"Of course I trust you Yoongs."

"So will you trust me with this and stop worrying?"

"I will... thank you for always being here for me." She said and kissed my cheek.

"There is nothing to thank me for. Now let's go to sleep. I bet my babies are exhausted."

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