Start from the beginning

Yulis watched the white haired demon back away a little bit. But he still did not leave. Instead he got up on the ceiling and sat down upside down on it. From his spot he kept looking at him.
*Shivers* Goosebumps erupted all over his body.
This demon, he was always stalking them.
But he had to wash these clothes. No! Maybe he should do this a bit later on when the person hanging upside down is not around.
Yulis glanced at the so called demon.

When their eyes met the demon flashed him a wide smile. It was as if he knew what Yulis was thinking right now.

"Screw it!" He cussed in silence. He might as well finish it now. There was no telling whether this white haired guy wouldn't follow him back here again. Hence he began to do his job. While working so he could feel the creepy ominous stares falling at his back, causing him to break out in cold sweats. But he tried his best to ignore the presence of the unwanted demon and instead put his enitre  concentration on doing laundry.

Rushtaf, who was hanging on the ceiling upside down watched the human get engrossed in his work as he began to forget about his presence.
The grin on his face disappeared. "Boring." He uttered lowly to himself. The initial reaction of fear has now completely disappeared. Thus his source of entertainment was lost.
"Human, I am bored. Entertain me!"  He flicked his fingers causing the clothes to rotate in the air.

"Ahh...." Yulis yelled trying to grab back the clothes. But everytime he jumped the clothes moved to a higher place, out of his reach.


The water squeezing out of these wet clothes dropped on his face.

He was very angry. And annoyed. Wiping his face using his sleeves he glared at the cause of this commotion. "What are you doing? Put them down!!"

With a sly grin, "You were taking so much time washing these measly things. So I am just helping you. Be thankful you weak human." He motioned his fingers towards the doorway. The pile of clothes flew out of the door.

Outside, Tina and the rest were left speechless when they saw the laundry moving on its own as it hung itself to dry in the sunlight.

Meanwhile inside the bathroom, Yulis was freaking out. He saw the white haired demon jump down from the ceiling as he began to approach him with an evil grin.

"Now come! Entertain me!" Rushtaf exclaimed yanking the human's hands. He then dragged him out the door.
At that moment he forgot how fragile humans were.

Yulis furrowed his brows in pain. He groaned a bit because of the force that was tugging him by his hand.
"Let go. It hurts!" He yelped trying to pull away. "You demon! Don't you know how to control your strength? It hurts!"

Rushtaf heard the weak voice yelling at him. He stopped. Then he released his hand and turned around. As expected, humans were such weak creatures. He didn't even use his strength yet the human skin on the wrist was bruised blue black.

"Ah!!" The human groaned as he tried to move his wrist.

There was no sorry or thank you in Rushtaf's dictionary so he just cussed at his source of entertainment. "So weak!"
This earned him a glare from Yulis.

Weak my ass! Of course he wasn't comparable to demons like this guy! So hateful. He wanted to yell and scream at him but he was still fearful of him. This guy was so scary even when he was normal. If he were to enter his rage mode, he didn't think he could survive it.

Rushtaf could sense the fear in him again. He grinned again, like an evil god.
"That reaction!" Yes! That! It was so amusing. He wanted to amuse this human a little more but decided against it. This weak human was hurt so he shall leave him alone for now.

He then disappeared again.

"....." Yulis was left speechless. A long sigh of relief left his lips when the devil was no longer around.

Peace was back for a few hours.

Gaya looked around. "Where is Rush? I don't see him."

The other three gave him a look. Specially Ayang. She chewed on her chocolate as she told him about his twin's whereabouts.

"He is probably having fun bullying those humans."

Appm snorted. "More like harassing them."  Turning to Gaya, he added. "Shouldn't we tell master about it? Let's nag about him to master. He has always been a bit difficult to handle. His sadistic traits are coming out again."

Gaya shook his head. "You think master has any time for that?" Their master was very busy with his own love life. He was drowning in the sea of the so called thing "honeymoon", except that the honeymoon that had started three years ago hasn't finished yet. 

Their master was still too much engrossed in his own world. Along with his lover.

"Forget it." Gaya sighed. He might as well drag out his twin to go to a different world. He wanted to go out and play a bit.

So off he went.

Tsk. Tsk. The rest could only click their tongues. Brothers alike. Tsk. Tsk.

A/N: Now its time for the extras. Just so you guys....we will be having sneak peeks into hubby Wang Lei's past. And of course Elm and Danyi too.