XXXIII - Signs

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(a/n : long[er] chapter [than usual] weewoo)

The wheel starts and I go tumbling forward, right onto Mitsuhara. I immediately jump back onto my side. "Shoot, I'm so sorry-", I start to apologize, but she starts laughing. I look at her, confused. "Oh God- HAHAHAHAHA- oh my God sorry I- HAHAHAH sorry that was just- HAHAHAHA!" I wait for her to finish laughing, a smile unconsciously playing at my lips. She clears her throat, "Sorry, ahem. It's fine." But later, she seems to have realized what happened. Her face went red, and she covered it with her hands.

Soon, we're at the top of the wheel. This is the part where the confession happens. I look out the window again. Sunset. Perfect. Now if someone interrupts this-

"Caw, caw!", a crow starts flapping around our compartment. I let out a yelp. 'Fucking crow!', I wanted to scream. "Maybe it figured out we're from Karasuno," Kageyama laughs. I laugh along with him. But damn it, the crow ruined the moment. Well, now or never.

"Hey, so-"
"So, like-"

Of course we had to start talking together.

"Me first!"
"No, me!"
"Ah, fuck it-"

"I like you!"
"I like you!"



"You like me too?"
"You like me back?"

This is one messy confession.

"Of course I like you too!", I start. Luckily, he doesn't interrupt me. I continue, "I've been leaving signs and clues everywhere! You're so dense!" He scoffs, "What signs? You left no signs!" Is he serious right now? "So, me calling you cute and all weren't signs?", this boy is getting on my nerves. "Well, I threw signs too!", he defended. "You threw no signs!" He stammers, "W-well, then I'll throw one now!" He grabs my face with both his hands, and kisses me fiercely on the lips.

Oh my God. I'm kissing her. She's kissing back. We're kissing. Her lips are softer than I expected. Our mouths fit together perfectly like pieces of a puzzle. What started off strong, slows down to gentle movement. We break apart, gasping for air. I've been wanting to do that for so long. She laughs softly. "What?", I mumble, a little embarrassed. "Hmm, that sign wasn't very clear. Can I have a hint?", she smiles. "What do you mean it wasn't clear? What can be clearer than th-", she punches my upper arm. "I was being sarcastic, Kageyama." Oh. I smile sheepishly, and she giggles and kisses my cheek.

"So, we're dating now?", she asks. "I guess we are," I nod. "Okay, listen," she grabs my hand. Thump. Thump. My heart is ricocheting off the walls of my rib cage. "We're both pretty passionate about what we do," she continues, "so we're gonna have to somehow try to make enough time for each other. I don't expect you to be with me 24/7, because I know I can't do that for you either." I nod in understanding. That makes sense, with Spring Interhigh at our heels, and hopefully Nationals soon after, it would be extremely difficult for me to spend a lot of time with her. "We'll also have to find a way to not get too distracted," I say, and she nods.

She sighs. "How are we going to manage all this, Kageyama?" I sigh too, "I don't know." I lace our fingers together. "But we'll figure it out. Together," I smile at her. She smiles back, and my heart flutters again. "Also, you can call me Masumi now," she looks out of the window. I smile, "Then, you can call me Tobio."

word count : 600 words

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