XXII - Bus Ride

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I walk up to the orange-haired boy, who seems to be scared out of his wits. "Why are you so nervous?", I ask him. He looks up at me, "T-this is my first practice match. Who are y-you?" "I'm Kageyama's acquaintance," I reply. "You look like you're going to vomit. Would you want to go to the bathroom first?" He shakes his head, "No, I'm fine. I think..." I pat his back, "You'll be fine, trust yourself." "And trust us too, we're your team!", the senpai with the blonde tuft encourages the orange. "But trust yourself more," I say, before pushing him onto the bus.

I got on last, after everyone had gotten on. Most seats were full; there was place in the backseat, but that's where the nervous guy was. He's definitely going to barf... Which means the only free seat was... next to Kageyama. Of course. "Hey, mind if I sit here? I don't wanna sit at the back," I nervously glance at the tangerine. "Me neither. Go ahead," he says and I sit down. I take out my phone and earphones, and plug in one bud in my ear. I hold out the other one to Kageyama, who takes it and puts it on. "Let's see if your music taste is up to the mark," he smirks. But it doesn't scare me, because "My music taste is beautiful." "I'll be the judge of that," he says. I chuckle lightly, scrolling through my playlist.

We're headbanging to Drunk Dazed by Enhypen (a/n : engenes RISE) when it happens. The entire bus heard the sickening lurch of someone vomiting. It was followed by a yell. Kageyama and I exchanged a glance. "Called it," I mumbled, and we both turned back. That orange had vomited all over baldie's pants. "Boke Hinata, boke!" Rude-ass shouted, "You should've done this before we left!" "Yeah, I could tell he looked a little nauseated," I agreed. "Stop the bus!", someone screamed from one of the front seats.

"So glad I didn't sit at the back," I mumble. "That stupid orange...", Kageyama mutters. "I hope he doesn't become a liability on court and mess up..." He sighs, "I feel like that's exactly what's going to happen."

word count : 375 words

𝐭𝐲𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬 [𝐤.𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐨 x 𝐨𝐜]Where stories live. Discover now