XI - In Action Pt.1

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Monday, back to school. I actually hate school so much to the fact that I only go because I have volleyball practice after. I step out of my house, closing the gate behind me when I notice Mitsuhara isn't out. Either she hasn't left yet or she's already at school. I shrug it off, and start walking the familiar streets to school.

The school is pretty much deserted when I arrive. I wonder what time it is. I left home around 6:10 a.m. and it takes around 20 minutes to reach school. As I approach the volleyball court, I can hear volleyballs being smacked and received, so I wonder who made it before me. Simultaneously, I can hear yells from the dance room too. Sounds like Mitsuhara, I thought to myself, before allowing my curiosity to take over and peep in.

What I saw next shocked me.

Almost the entire girls' dance team was already there. "Miss girl, you're a whole two minutes late! Twenty pushups and twenty crunches in the corner NOW or I won't let you on the dance floor!", Mitsuhara was screaming at a girl. Wait, the girl looks like a second-year... How is she screaming at an upperclasswoman? Is she the captain? Hm, unlikely. She's still a first-year. The second-year nodded nervously, before going to a corner. She's got guts, talking to a second-year like that... Well, it's more disrespectful than gutsy. "The rest of you, come on now! I don't want to waste any more precious practice time! And a-five, six, seven, eight!", Mitsuhara calls, before leading the routine. During the routine, one of the girls slips a little, and Mitsuhara catches it. "Watch your footing, or I'll send you to the corner with the other girl!" She's extremely fierce... I slowly back away from the door, before she notices me and chews my ear off for 'stalking' her.

I wonder if she's just in a sour mood, or it's always like this, I ponder, before entering the volleyball court.

word count : 341 words

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