XXXII - Rollercoaster

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I follow Mitsuhara as she walks around. "Ooh, we should go on that one!", she exclaims, dragging me before I could complain. A rollercoaster? Geez, okay then. It'll be fun. I guess.

"AAAAAAAAAA!", both of us are screaming in unison. Of course we had to get onto the most terrifying one. But soon, the fear turns into excitement. I look to my right, and Mitsuhara looks like she's having the time of her life. Her hazel-brown hair is flying in the wind, her hands gripping tightly at the rods, her brown eyes dancing with exhilaration. I mentally puffed my chest out.

Today's the day.

Today's the day I tell her how I feel about her.


"Whoooooooo, that was fun!", I say, stretching my limbs. "It was," Kageyama chuckles. I glance at him, smiling to myself. Even though I haven't openly admitted it, he looks more beautiful than usual when he smiles or laughs. We walk around for a bit more, eating cotton candy. We don't go on any more rides after the rollercoaster, because nothing beats it. We play some silly carnival games though, and lose ('cause they're rigged). RIP our money, though. I catch a glimpse of the sun slowly beginning to set. Alright, Masumi, I give myself a pep talk, you can do this. Just like how you see in the movies. Picture-perfect. "Hey, Kageyama," I start, "I know this is cringey, but let's go on the Ferris wheel."


We both get into a compartment. After a lot of adjusting, we're finally comfortable. I offer him some cotton candy, and he takes it. Our fingers brush in the process, and I turn a few shades redder. No no no, it is not the time to get flustered! Stay calm, Masumi. These mental pep talks are getting pretty frequent, huh. I look out the window trying to calm myself down, while waiting for the ride to start.

I wonder what's wrong. We've been waiting here for over five minutes, but the wheel hasn't starting moving. I get up, trying to find out what the wait was about, when it starts moving with a jerk. I wobble on my feet, trying to regain my balance, but fail. I go tumbling forward, right...

Onto Mitsuhara.

word count : 376 words

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