X - Meeting Pt.2

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"I come bearing macaroons and milk,", I announce, and Kageyama snickers. "The Gods have forgiven you," he remarks, sipping his milk from the carton. Honestly, I felt kinda bad for making him uncomfortable a while back, so I'm glad he still has his sense of humor. "So, what do you do in your free time?", he asks me, and I chuckle. "I don't have free time. But if I do, I dance," I say, nonchalantly. He seems to ponder this for a moment, before replying, "Did you actually single-handedly get your team to nationals in junior high?"

I put on a face of mock surprise. "Maybe I should change your nickname to 'stalker-kun'... But yes, I did." I nod, and he nods too. "Damn, I gotta say that is impressive," he mumbles. I smirk, "Yeah, I know." He knows quite a bit about me, I wonder if he did research... I mentally puff out my chest. Maybe I should do more research, I can't have him surpass me.

We spend a few minutes in silence, the only sounds being munching and sipping. "You still owe me a cola, though," the smirk evident in my voice. He let's out an exasperated sigh, "Jesus, are you ever going to stop?" "Not until I get a cola, my man," I stuff a macaroon in my mouth and grin. He sighs. "Oh Volleyball Gods, what have I done to deserve this?", he pleads to no one in particular. I snort, and call him a "Dramatic ass."

"Hey, uh," I start, since there was a silence, "if, in case, you do want to talk about the whole 'King' thing, I'm willing to give you advice? If you don't need advice, I can listen. I don't mind," I speak, surprisingly confident. "You're pretty straightforward, huh. Okay, sure then," he shrugs, but doesn't say a word after that. I take his silence to mean 'maybe another time', so I drop the topic.

"I'm still going to annoy you until you get me a cola, though," I smirk, as I see him to the front door. "You don't need to keep saying that, greedy, I'll get you one. Someday," he adds, making me huff. "Bye, rude-ass. See you in school," "I hope I don't see you, but yeah, bye", he walks off with his mother. "So...", I heard my mother behind me, "what did you two do?", she wiggles her eyebrows. "Mom, we just talked. Plus he's a rude a-" I bite my tongue, scolding myself for almost cussing, "guy." My mother giggles, "Mhm, sure, whatever you say." I dramatically gagged, and staggered up to my bedroom.

word count : 442 words

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